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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I think we all know for sure about Tressel's coaching style is that he doesnt want to show what OSU can really do.

He has the best problem with the offense. Ginn & gonzo can not be covered going deep at all. The Pittman & Wells will provide the running attack to keep Texas honest or abuse them. The O-line looked very solid and Smith was very accurate.Robiskes reminds me of a faster Jenkins , Hartline is a great 4th wr option , Small is so damn fast and Hall is a beast with the ball .
Osu could average whatever they want

Tressel could have killed NI with A full attack but, they were on hold.

The defense is just one big ?. Was Tressel really just being safe with testing all the players or why did so many players just mis-played that bad. Most those long runs were because, to many players were cheating over to make a big play instead of staying home to guard there spot.

The only positive on D was the D-liners play and that will be the main key to go with the offense scoring big time for OSU to beat Texas in a shoot out.

Texas looked great but, Tressel always wins those big games

OSU BY 10 and SMITH getting the Heisman from his show in the WIN

OSU reminds me a lot of a USC TITLE TEAMS but, I hope the Defense shows up like we were use to
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Tressel Hiding for Texas!

As you should know jim tressel didnt do a lot of fancy stuff because he knows we are playing texas next week. This game could have been 60-0 but it wasent and thank god it wasent. As you have notest, you didnt see flip fake runs by ted ginn, you didnt see troy smith running, and you didnt see us trying that much in the second half. We didnt show anything to texas. Also i think the only reason we know texas won last year is because troy smith didnt play the whole game, and when he was in it he got us points, unlike justin zwick who just got us field goal after field goal. We all know troy smith wants this game bad, and he will explode even worse than he did against notre dame..:oh:
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All i know is that their is SIX days till tOSU takes on Texas at home, Two of the most storied programs clash again this time in the heart of Texas. I really do enjoy having all the Texas fans on here from time to time except for xGAYrandy. But since its 6 days till game day all i have to say is.
GO BUCKS Bevo is going down.
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