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Game Thread Game Ten: Ohio State 38, Wisconsin 17 (final)

Watch This Weeks Game Online - Big Ten Network Live Stream

We are attempting to see if we can stream this weeks games on the BTN. We need to run tests to see how much load it can take. If you would like to try it please go here to get started: Buckeye Stream

Hopefully this will work because I have some troops overseas that will be able to watch Buckeye football again if it works.

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MJ's Jason Lloyd ...

10. Wrote on the blog this week, which can be accessed at The Morning Journal - News - Top Stories, about the scene outside Beaver Stadium before the game. One Ohio State fan was assaulted by a dozen or so Penn State fans who were throwing full beer cans at him during his walk to the stadium. One fan ran up and fired a full can at him from close range. His face, however, was caught on the video posted on YouTube.com earlier this week. Police are aware and are investigating. The video has since been taken down.

Johnny on the Spot with the five day old news. Also well done the way he listed the same point twice with #1 and #3 in that column. :shake:
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MililaniBuckeye;979469; said:
So, next time you want to challange someone, it may be a good idea to have your facts lined up first...

Well since someone pissed in your apple juice, I guess I have one question for you. 9 Minutes and 32 seconds left in the 1st quarter.

Since when was Albert Dukes and Aaron Gant 1st string?
Since I don't have the game recorded and I can't check that part out, was Maurice Wells running only because of Chris's injury? At only 3 carries so far, (and not even that drive) I know for a fact it wasn't because he was tired.

I'm not saying that it was all 3rd string. I am saying however, that we were putting other players in already in the 1st quarter. The fact that boeckman was still in was for needed reps, not because he wanted more points on the board.
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Coqui;979599; said:
Well since someone pissed in your apple juice, I guess I have one question for you. 9 Minutes and 32 seconds left in the 1st quarter.

Since when was Albert Dukes and Aaron Gant 1st string?
Since I don't have the game recorded and I can't check that part out, was Maurice Wells running only because of Chris's injury? At only 3 carries so far, (and not even that drive) I know for a fact it wasn't because he was tired.

I'm not saying that it was all 3rd string. I am saying however, that we were putting other players in already in the 1st quarter. The fact that boeckman was still in was for needed reps, not because he wanted more points on the board.

I agree with you about Dukes and Gant. However, Mo Wells usually starts the second series of every game regardless of how Beanie is doing. The only time that I remmber that this didn't happen was against penn state when they pinned us deep. Beanie came in and ran us out of trouble and then mo took over for the majority of the possesion.
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Tlangs;979650; said:
I agree with you about Dukes and Gant. However, Mo Wells usually starts the second series of every game regardless of how Beanie is doing. The only time that I remmber that this didn't happen was against penn state when they pinned us deep. Beanie came in and ran us out of trouble and then mo took over for the majority of the possesion.

Thanks for the clarification on Mo Wells.:cool: Although that was our 3rd drive. :biggrin:
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A taste of my own medicine... back in August I suggested that if the Big Ten was serious in their contract negotiations they'd hold the Michigan - Notre Dame game hostage. I mean, outside of we fanatics, who gave a shit about OSU - YSU/Akron/Kent State, but pull the rug on ND and Michigan and you'd create some real economic leverage.

Now the Wisconsin game is on BTN, I'm stuck with TW, there's a funeral I must attend so I can't even Tivo the damn thing and I won't be free until late in the game... a 1:30 Mass...

But from a business point of view I agree with the Big Ten. Switchborads are going to light up at TW when folks wake up to the fact that this game isn't available.
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cincibuck;979667; said:
A taste of my own medicine... back in August I suggested that if the Big Ten was serious in their contract negotiations they'd hold the Michigan - Notre Dame game hostage. I mean, outside of we fanatics, who gave a shit about OSU - YSU/Akron/Kent State, but pull the rug on ND and Michigan and you'd create some real economic leverage.

Now the Wisconsin game is on BTN, I'm stuck with TW, there's a funeral I must attend so I can't even Tivo the damn thing and I won't be free until late in the game... a 1:30 Mass...

But from a business point of view I agree with the Big Ten. Switchborads are going to light up at TW when folks wake up to the fact that this game isn't available.


this is a stretch, but someone was going to try streaming video of the game. I'm not sure how you could access the game though if you're away from your PC, unless you have a broadband card and a Verizon cell phone. recording is another hurdle. found this in post #316.

Buckeye Fan Connection • View topic - Streaming Buckeye Games

i could make you tape since we have BTN in Toledo (Buckeye Cable). Sorry no Tivo in my house.
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Coqui;979599; said:
Well since someone pissed in your apple juice, I guess I have one question for you. 9 Minutes and 32 seconds left in the 1st quarter.

Since when was Albert Dukes and Aaron Gant 1st string?
Since I don't have the game recorded and I can't check that part out, was Maurice Wells running only because of Chris's injury? At only 3 carries so far, (and not even that drive) I know for a fact it wasn't because he was tired.

I'm not saying that it was all 3rd string. I am saying however, that we were putting other players in already in the 1st quarter. The fact that boeckman was still in was for needed reps, not because he wanted more points on the board.

Dude, you were proved wrong, so just give it up. Dukes was in for one frickin' play...they threw him a bone (along with a pass...incomplete). Don't know if Gant was in for more than one play (I didn't account for every player on every play). Bottom line, there were virtually no changes in personnel other than normal game-rotation/package-substitution until 3 minutes left in the half and us up by six touchdowns, despite your implying we were flooding the field with 3rd-stringers throughout the second quarter.

So, yeah, Tressel did run it up...

Back to discussion of the thread topic, the Wisconsin game...
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rizzy;979507; said:
We are attempting to see if we can stream this weeks games on the BTN. We need to run tests to see how much load it can take. If you would like to try it please go here to get started: Buckeye Stream

Hopefully this will work because I have some troops overseas that will be able to watch Buckeye football again if it works.


You might want to send them an email and tell them that this weeks game will be on AFN Sports.
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suza271;980054; said:
We are going to the Wisky Game tomorrow. What are the best things to do before the game? Skull Session? How do I get to that?

Any ideas or info would be mucho apprieciated!


Just walk into St. Johns Arena. There's no special ticketing needed (at least when I last went there there wasn't) It's 2 hours before the game. St. Johns is just across the street from the Stadium.
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Coqui;980056; said:
Just walk into St. Johns Arena. There's no special ticketing needed (at least when I last went there there wasn't) It's 2 hours before the game. St. Johns is just across the street from the Stadium.

Skull Sessions are two hours before kick off, but you'll need to get there maybe 20-30 mins earlier than that to get a decent seat.
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