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Game Thread Game Ten: Ohio State 38, Wisconsin 17 (final)

I am nervous about tomorrow's game and it is completely my fault.

I have to take my youngest son camping, we leave in 10 minutes, and I won't get back until Sunday morning. So I have to hang the OSU flag now, instead of the usual first thing Saturday morning. I have to listen to the game on radio instead of watching it (or being there). All normal routines are off.

Last year, this happened to me for one game (same reason by the way) and that one game was Illinois!!! I almost cost us the Illinois game last year!!

So for you superstitious folks, do a little extra of your good mojo routine tomorrow to make up for my bad mojo.

For the rest of you, enjoy a good ole fashioned Badger ass kicking!! Payback from dancing on Block O in 2004 should be vicious!
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buckiprof;980171; said:
I am nervous about tomorrow's game and it is completely my fault.

I have to take my youngest son camping, we leave in 10 minutes, and I won't get back until Sunday morning. So I have to hang the OSU flag now, instead of the usual first thing Saturday morning. I have to listen to the game on radio instead of watching it (or being there). All normal routines are off.

Last year, this happened to me for one game (same reason by the way) and that one game was Illinois!!! I almost cost us the Illinois game last year!!

So for you superstitious folks, do a little extra of your good mojo routine tomorrow to make up for my bad mojo.

For the rest of you, enjoy a good ole fashioned Badger ass kicking!! Payback from dancing on Block O in 2004 should be vicious!

Lol. Don't be nervous...........The Bucks will take care of business.

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buckiprof;980171; said:
Last year, this happened to me for one game (same reason by the way) and that one game was Illinois!!! I almost cost us the Illinois game last year!!

Ah, yes, but the Illinois game was on the road...tomorrow's game is at home. So, instead of a nail-biter, this will be a blowout...relllaaaaaxxxx.
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suza271;980297; said:
Are there any other suggestions besides the skull session of things to do before the game? Any special rallies or sponsored tailgates by radio stations?

WNCI 97.9 has their Rally at Riverwatch (Riverwatch towers or the building closest to the bridge)

WBZX 99.7 has their party at Panini's bar and Grill (1714 North High Street.)

There's one more at the Holiday Inn and another at Wendell's Bar & Grill

All are on Lane Ave. except for Panini's
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