Actually, this is kind of like saying that the Pittsburgh Steelers are better than Ohio State. It's true, but it almost has to be. OSU's football budget is, I believe, more than 10 times what NIU's budget is. Our facilities would never come close, especially with the MAC only getting a few smaller bowl games (until this coming year only 1 or 2 bowls), so conference revenues are relatively tiny. So even making a game of it is, if not a moral victory, at least a small victory of sorts.
If this sounds like an excuse, it probably is. Facts are facts, and although NIU has improved recently, developed more of a following, and been more successful, we still lose out on budget money to U of I, because they're a Big Ten team. The media in Chicago just likes to talk about Notre Dame.![]()
I gotta tell you, I really don't like the "small school" mentality that you can't compete with budgets like what OSU has for football. The fact is this... Ohio State decided early on... in the 1920s.. to invest in football. So, they made a stadium that was - at the time - MUCH too large. The shoe wasn't filled every Saturday in those days. But, OSU took a risk... they invested in football, and it paid off over the long run. Same thing with schools like Michigan, Oklahoma, etc... And, it can be done in the modern day. Miami of Florida wasn't much of a football school before 1983. Fla. St. was a womens college in its early days.. (Although, that's been over a half century ago)
Anyway... It bugs me - and I'm not saying you made this particular argument - that "non-BCS" schools whine about the fact that they're being left out of the big money games. Well, the schools that have been included have spent a GREAT DEAL of money in order to anticipate some ROI. Small schools have not. If you want BCS money, fine... spend some money on your programs and it'll come. Is there risk? You better believe it. But, no big money ideas come without risk, and it's complete absurd for fans of "non BCS" schools to expect to get BCS money without BCS investment. Blame your school's previous administrations for not realizing that football would be such a cash cow or being willing to take the risk.
And, on the issue of "Chicago just caring about ND" Maybe... But, you know what? NIU is well within range to make people in Chitown care more about NIU football. Ever seen Manhatten Kansas? There aint shit around for miles. And yet, they have developed quite a fan base... Norman Oklahoma isn't going to compete with Chicago. Hell, Columbus Ohio isn't Chicago. It can be done. But, you guys (and I mean your schools, of course) don't want to do the work to become "big time" you just want the reward of BEING big time.