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Game Thread Game Nine: #1 tOSU 44, Minnesota 0 (10/28/06)

osugrad21;646200; said:
..that I also thought was clean.

Football is a collision sport...sometimes the worst collisions cause kneejerk reactions in the rules and the interpretation of the rules.

However, anyone who straps it on knows and understands the risks.
Yup yup yup... but I hope it's okay to cringe a little and maybe whisper a tiny prayer. Love a good collision - as long as both parties get up quickly.
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BuckeyeNation27;646206; said:
just saying we've been flagged for less. Tressel will tell any ref it's a good call when they flag us because they're looking out for the players. Didn't look like anybody was looking out for Small on that play.

I agree entirely..but I also know we can't have it both ways. Either let them play or flag every instance.
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Offensive Halftime Stats (not official)

Troy Smith: 11-15-133-1TD passing, 4-18 rushing
Antonio Pittman: 16-76-1TD rushing, 2-48 receiving
Anthony Gonalez: 3-31 receiving
Brian Robiskie: 2-29-1TD receiving
Tedd Ginn: 2-20 receiving, 1-6 rushing, 1-34 kick return

133 yards passing
122 yards rushing
255 total... from a yardage standpoint a pretty good half.

Defensive Team Stats
64 yards passing
16 yards rushing
80 total yards, 1INT... very good half for the defense
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So John Saunders is apparently questioning the dominance of tOSU because it's ONLY 17-0 at the half. What was that comment supposed to mean?

Did he check the scores of the other major undefeated teams today?

TSUN: 17-3 over NW'ern at home, final.

USC: down 13-7 at Oregon State right now late in the half.
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Steve19;646204; said:
I am not sure if Tressel is trying to set up the run for the TSUN game or what, but the offense simply has not jelled. Smith is having his worst game this year. I didn't see a dirty hit but I did see that Troy set Small up for that hit. The defense looks excellent but whether its our play calling or Minny disrupting what we are trying to do, it's 17-0 and it should be 31-0 at least.

Troy is 11-15 for 132 and a TD in a game with 50mph wind gusts.

Fumbles kill momentum.

Steve, you getting spoiled? :wink:

Every time I feel a little frustrated, I think back 2-3 years ago...

Then I realize what I am seeing this year.
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So in other words, you are just whining for the hell of it?
Pretty much. We get flagged for a pussy touch foul on McCoy, then nothing when our freshman WR gets drilled with a text book case of leading with the helmet.

Just like in baseball, I don't mind of an ump is calling things outside, as long as he's doing it for both teams. The calls aren't consistant.
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thought it was a good hard hit and definatly a big one, idk though he lowered and led with the crown under and up into the facemask.. but i wouldn't want that flagged on us

glad small was up, watching his arms scared the shit out of me

the call on rehring was a horrible call, the block was in the chest and the head appeared to be back when he got leverage, the flag came in from 30 yards away up the sideline

i just hope that hit fires us up and not the minny d and dosent effect troy, because imo, that was a bad decision to throw that ball and he had the small 4 on the wrist last week
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BuckeyeNation27;646228; said:
Pretty much. We get flagged for a pussy touch foul on McCoy, then nothing when our freshman WR gets drilled with a text book case of leading with the helmet.

Just like in baseball, I don't mind of an ump is calling things outside, as long as he's doing it for both teams. The calls aren't consistant.


No whine for me...I'll probably crack a beer for these wings being prepared though :)
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