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Game Thread Game Nine: #1 tOSU 44, Minnesota 0 (10/28/06)

nice scramble, but holding... boo. oh? personal foul on Rehring...

one toss to the end zone and then it's halftime...

Troy flushed, incomplete, halftime... 17-0 good guys...

something tells me the halftime talks won't be very pretty...
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BuckeyeNation27;646193; said:
as clean as any hit we've been flagged for.

..that I also thought was clean.

Football is a collision sport...sometimes the worst collisions cause kneejerk reactions in the rules and the interpretation of the rules.

However, anyone who straps it on knows and understands the risks.
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I am not sure if Tressel is trying to set up the run for the TSUN game or what, but the offense simply has not jelled. Smith is having his worst game this year. I didn't see a dirty hit but I did see that Troy set Small up for that hit. The defense looks excellent but whether its our play calling or Minny disrupting what we are trying to do, it's 17-0 and it should be 31-0 at least.
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..that I also thought was clean.

Football is a collision sport...sometimes the worst collisions cause kneejerk reactions in the rules and the interpretation of the rules.

However, anyone who straps it on knows and understands the risks.
just saying we've been flagged for less. Tressel will tell any ref it's a good call when they flag us because they're looking out for the players. Didn't look like anybody was looking out for Small on that play.
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Pretty sloppy and lackluster 1st half by the offense...

The only way this team is going to lose a game this year is by making dumb turnovers and taking dumb penalties.

If we were playing Michigan or a potential bowl opponent, that first half would've been considered a nightmare for Buckeye fans.
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Steve19;646204; said:
I am not sure if Tressel is trying to set up the run for the TSUN game or what, but the offense simply has not jelled. Smith is having his worst game this year. I didn't see a dirty hit but I did see that Troy set Small up for that hit. The defense looks excellent but whether its our play calling or Minny disrupting what we are trying to do, it's 17-0 but it should be 31-0 at least.

The wind has a lot to do with it but that was terrible clock management to end the half.
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