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Game Thread Game Nine: #1 tOSU 44, Minnesota 0 (10/28/06)

Animal with the sack. nice...

dav713;646127; said:
Through 8.5 games our backup RB has more fumbles then our starting QB has INTs
nearly every RB in the country has more fumbles than Troy has INTs...

hmm... Animal comes away with the ball, though they called it a completion...

good field position on the next posession.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;646128; said:
I noticed I didn't see Pitcock on defense, has anyone else seen him on the field or no what the deal is?

He was hungry and had to run to grab a 12 pack of wings at BWs. He's eating right next to me right now laughing that no one noticed until the second quarter. He's running to get his hair re-permed after he finishes sucking the sauce off of his fingers. He'll see you on the field in the 3rd.
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