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Game Thread Game Nine: #1 tOSU 44, Minnesota 0 (10/28/06)


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006
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Would it be safe to guess that high wind would affect the type of ball Troy throws today? With the expectation that wind will affect the ball if you put it up in the air, I'd expect more rifle bullets and fewer artillery shells. Slants, screens, 10-15 yard outs.... those should all still be available. I'd just expect a token threat of fly routes (if any).

...Or has my hamster fallen off the wheel?
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Another tune up before 21 days 2 hours and 37 nimutes comes around.

There may be some stray showers, and a lot of wind. I don't think it will affect our defense though, but a turnover will cause them to hold Minnesota to a field goal. Our offense will just keep rolling, but the wind will keep them from monster numbers.

Ohio State wins this one 31-3
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