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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Cicero;622054; said:
Different strokes for differet folks I guess, but I believe on the road you take every opportunity.

JT remembers Outback Bowl 2001 - why risk it?

Ohio State gets the ball to start the second half - another long drive and TD, and this game is just about over....
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1st half 1st thoughts...

1) The loss of Anderson Russell has hurt us...badly.

2) Keep giving Pitt the ball...

3) Relax Troy...play ball

4) Teddy will score on a deep ball

5) DLine is overpenetarting and causing probs still...but where is the pursuit.

6) Tate is one bad play away from imploding...somebody put a helmet under his chin.

This is not even close to being over...great crowd...I love it.
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Here's what I learned on a Amtrak train trip to Colorado!
What Iowa really stands for!

How's that?We were going through Iowa & made a few small stops at weird places to pick people up,let me tell ya'!:biggrin:

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elliemae;622063; said:
Here's what I learned on a Amtrak train trip to Colorado!
What Iowa really stands for!

How's that?We were going through Iowa & made a few small stops at weird places to pick people up,let me tell ya'!:biggrin:



Ellie Mae out picking up people in Iowa? I thought more highly of you.:biggrin:
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