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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Wingate1217;622021; said:
How right you are.....

Iowa has been jawing since 2002 because I hear idiot hawkeye fans claim all the time that had we played them we wouldn't have won, and wouldn't have gone to the national championship game. idiots.

they need to get theirs at home today, like we gave it to them last in columbus.

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Dublin Buckeyes;622031; said:
Iowa has been jawing since 2002 because I hear idiot hawkeye fans claim all the time that had we played them we wouldn't have won, and wouldn't have gone to the national championship game. idiots.

they need to get theirs at home today, like we gave it to them last in columbus.


The NC game settled that question. Miami would have b slapped the mustard color out of their pants.
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