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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

WoodyHayes1951;621614; said:
People see similarities between this game and the PSU game from last year. I don't see it. I think it's more like the PSU game from 2003. Alot of energy in the stadium but the Bucks pull through.

I don't see it.
sure it's a big away game but Iowa and PSU are two diff. teams
Iowa is beat up and no where near as good.
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I'm off to a Buckeye party where I will partake in many golden sodas and any other adult beverages I may encounter. I am wearing the lucky sweatshirt and hat. I just wanted to stop by and give a big...


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OregonBuckeye;621735; said:
ESPN's pulling sooo hard for Iowa. They're not even subtle about it. Every story is about pro's for Iowa and con's for OSU. It's going to be nice to crush their dream. :biggrin:
they are just trying to pump up their ratings for money. But they do suck:osu:
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