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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Best Buckeye said:
sigh , still 9 hrs and 18 min to go.

Do you suppose that the They actually believe that crap or it's just in the script to up the game so they can make more money?
I vote for the money


It's not like they could hype "the premium college football" show and act like Iowa doesn't have a chance...

This game has the dubious distinction of being the best game on what is otherwise a very mediocre football Saturday (matchups wise).
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I think the difference in this game will be when Ohio State goes to the 4 or 5 reciever sets.

The CB's for Iowa are already "new" and shown some weakness, throw in them having to use safties or even "greener" CB's to cover someone like Robo or Gonzo in the slot.......:biggrin:
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Iowa's zones defenses should give Troy a chance for all that film study to really pay off. I can't wait to see Gonzo getting big plays on crossing routes after Ted clears out the safety.

I'm heading west now. :biggrin:

Go Bucks!
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OSUBuckeye4Life;621517; said:
I think the difference in this game will be when Ohio State goes to the 4 or 5 reciever sets.

The CB's for Iowa are already "new" and shown some weakness, throw in them having to use safties or even "greener" CB's to cover someone like Robo or Gonzo in the slot.......:biggrin:
I agree But pittman will wake them up first:oh:
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BuckeyeNation27;621488; said:
This game reminds me so much of Penn State it isn't even funny. Hopefully this game means something to us, unlike Penn State last year.

I think there are some key elements missing from that parallel -

Iowa isn't rising from the dead, Penn State was doing just that.

This game DOES mean a lot to the team and (obviously) to us the fans. The careful language used by our starters has not left the Hawkeyes with much in the way of BB material, but I don't take that to mean there is any lack of intensity. If anything I get the strong impression our Buckeyes want this to be the real revenge game for the 2004 Kinnick fiasco. (Probably none more so than Smith).

Iowa has one true playmaker on offense - under center; Penn State had new and fast playmakers on both sides of the ball.

The weather at Penn State was freaking awful, at Kinnick it calls for crisp conditions by game time, rain not a huge chance if any at all.

But, most importantly, the Buckeyes entered Happy Valley coming off a gutting last second loss, with a QB leading the team having minimal game-time experience to shake off the rust.

This time Troy Smith comes in on a relatively good roll. 4-0 and with a great passer rating. He has had his bad game, last week, and even then found a way to propel the Buckeyes to a win in dramatic fashion. This time the offense is clicking, Ginn has shown the ability to make big plays on offense and, aside from questions about the productivity of the running game, the rest of the receiving Corps looks sound as a bell.

So, no this one does not remind me of Penn State last year, not when all the parallels I would require are considered.
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sandgk;621527; said:
I think there are some key elements missing from that parallel -

Iowa isn't rising from the dead, Penn State was doing just that.

This game DOES mean a lot to the team and (obviously) to us the fans. The careful language used by our starters has not left the Hawkeyes with much in the way of BB material, but I don't take that to mean there is any lack of intensity. If anything I get the strong impression our Buckeyes want this to be the real revenge game for the 2004 Kinnick fiasco. (Probably none more so than Smith).

Iowa has one true playmaker on offense - under center; Penn State had new and fast playmakers on both sides of the ball.

The weather at Penn State was freaking awful, at Kinnick it calls for crisp conditions by game time, rain not a huge chance if any ata ll.

But, most importantly, the Buckeyes entered Happy Valley coming off a gutting last second loss, with a QB leading the team having minimal game-time experience to shake off the rust.

This time Troy Smith comes in on a relatively good roll. 4-0 and with a great passer rating. He has had his bad game, last week, and even then found a way to propel the Buckeyes to a win in dramatic fashion. This time the offense is clicking, Ginn has shown the ability to make big plays on offense and, aside from questions about the productivity of the running game, the rest of the receiving Corps looks sound as a bell.

So, no this one does not remind me of Penn State last year, not when all the parallels I would require are considered.

Well said. I agree that the parallels with Penn State are limited w.r.t. detail.

BUT, I believe that there is a very special home-field-advantage brewing. I believe tonight will be the 2nd biggest hfa that I've ever seen my Buckeyes face; but for very different reasons than the ones PSU had going for them last year.

This is a threshold game for Iowa. They feel as if Ferentz has taken them from their long-time 2nd tier status to a truly elite level. This, they believe, is the game that will show the world that they are really one of the big boys now.

On top of that, this threshold is barred by the biggest stumbling block they've had in the past decade+. They're 1-9 against us recently. This is the game where they want more than anything to kick the door in and step over the threshold. We are the door.

This really is the biggest game that most Iowa fans have ever seen.

Another factor that may be in their favor, and maybe not, is the fact that we play games this big all the damn time. If we can match their intensity, which is a tall order, then our experience in this type of game will spell their doom.

Make no mistake, the Kinnick Factor in this game is worth 2 touchdowns or so IMHO (not the usual 3 points). We are much better; the intangibles for them are off the chart.


But we have Troy.
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Contain Tate and Iowa can't score. Most of the big pass plays we've given up were of scrambles. Tate will be looking to leave the pocket because of Pitcock and Patterson. If the ends play assignment football and don't sell out onthe rush. Schlicher will be Iowa's only scorer. If it plays out this way ..31-6 Buckeyes!
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