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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Iowa isn't rising from the dead, Penn State was doing just that.
I'm going to disagree, but only because I've spent a week on the Iowa boards. The "rising from the dead" that Penn State did last year was seen in their fans. They were sick of losing, and they saw beating Ohio State as their rise to the top.

Fastforward to today. Iowa fans have a complex where they WANT to be disrespected, so they can whine about it later. They don't know how to act like a team that has finished in the top 10 3 out of the last 4 years. They feel like nobody in their right mind thinks they can keep it close, despite the fact that every real prediction I've seen is a close win either way. They've tricked themselves into thinking they are Penn State from last year.
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BuckeyeNation27;621538; said:
I'm going to disagree, but only because I've spent a week on the Iowa boards. The "rising from the dead" that Penn State did last year was seen in their fans. They were sick of losing, and they saw beating Ohio State as their rise to the top.

Fastforward to today. Iowa fans have a complex where they WANT to be disrespected, so they can whine about it later. They don't know how to act like a team that has finished in the top 10 3 out of the last 4 years. They feel like nobody in their right mind thinks they can keep it close, despite the fact that every real prediction I've seen is a close win either way. They've tricked themselves into thinking they are Penn State from last year.

'27, I don't know if you rub elbows with a lot of Iowa fans...

If not, you cannot know how Troy-Smith-pass on-target you are with that analysis. As I state (probably too often) I work with half-a-dozen Hawkeyes, and that is EXACTLY how they feel. I could not have said it better.
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DaddyBigBucks;621552; said:
'27, I don't know if you rub elbows with a lot of Iowa fans...

If not, you cannot know how Troy-Smith-pass on-target you are with that analysis. As I state (probably too often) I work with half-a-dozen Hawkeyes, and that is EXACTLY how they feel. I could not have said it better.

Would you not agree though that there is a distinction to be drawn between the frame of mind of the fans, and the actual capabilities of the respective teams? (Penn State '05, Iowa '06).

Also I'd contrast the way I personally feel about this game with how the Penn State tilt last year felt. Fewer weapons for Iowa, more weapons for Ohio State. D vs D last year, The Buckeyes Offense versus a suspect defensive backfield this year. It just does not feel the same from this side of the fence, and like the saying goes, it takes two to tango.
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Anybody hearing anytning on the condition of the field? Folks were projecting Iowa would water it down whether it rained or not. I also saw a report that the grass has been left to grow fairly long.

As for the locker room, aren't they all pink? Not on the exterior of course...
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Would you not agree though that there is a distinction to be drawn between the frame of mind of the fans, and the actual capabilities of the respective teams? (Penn State '05, Iowa '06).

Also I'd contrast the way I personally feel about this game with how the Penn State tilt last year felt. Fewer weapons for Iowa, more weapons for Ohio State. D vs D last year, The Buckeyes Offense versus a suspect defensive backfield this year. It just does not feel the same from this side of the fence, and like the saying goes, it takes two to tango.
I can agree with that. Penn State's D last year was for real, and their O was good enough to go along with it. Iowa is a little better on O, but not even close on D.

We'll see how important HFA really is tonight.
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sandgk;621558; said:
Would you not agree though that there is a distinction to be drawn between the frame of mind of the fans, and the actual capabilities of the respective teams? (Penn State '05, Iowa '06).

Also I'd contrast the way I personally feel about this game with how the Penn State tilt last year felt. Fewer weapons for Iowa, more weapons for Ohio State. D vs D last year, The Buckeyes Offense versus a suspect defensive backfield this year. It just does not feel the same from this side of the fence, and like the saying goes, it takes two to tango.

Yes, I agree with you; just like I agreed with you in my earlier post.

I agree with your point about the games being completely different, the teams being completely different.

But I believe that HFA will be very big for Iowa tonight.

BuckeyeNation27;621574; said:
I can agree with that. Penn State's D last year was for real, and their O was good enough to go along with it. Iowa is a little better on O, but not even close on D.

We'll see how important HFA really is tonight.

I believe that HFA will be big, but that the Bucks still win 27-13 or so.
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Brutus Verus;621600; said:
Pink Schmink

A clouded sky will matter not;
Tonight the stars will shine!
And Hawkeye fans, the drunken lot,
Will fill with tears their steins,

For field conditions, raucous crowd,
And sweet, pink locker room
(Inadequate to break the proud),
Won't quell the coming doom.
Is your bathroom pink? J/K:biggrin:
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BuckeyeNation27;621574; said:
I can agree with that. Penn State's D last year was for real, and their O was good enough to go along with it. Iowa is a little better on O, but not even close on D.

We'll see how important HFA really is tonight.

Iowa's O is better than ours?
Exlcuding the injury to the line....to the #1 WR.......Tate.......onandonandon
We are still better.
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