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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'November 19, 2005 1:00:00 PM EST';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkred>Countdown to THE GAME:</font><br>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();";else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var diff = (c - d)/1000;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";theFunction += "var out = '';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>


:gobucks3: :gobucks4:
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Buckeyes to Honor Fallen Marine Saturday

Buckeyes to Honor Fallen Marine Saturday

COLUMBUS, Ohio: The Ohio State football team will wear a special decal on its helmet at Saturday's Michigan game in honor of former Buckeye wrestler, Marine Corps Major Ray Mendoza, who was killed in action in Iraq earlier this week. Mendoza, who graduated from Ohio State in 1995, is believed to be the first Ohio State student-athlete to be killed in Iraq. He was a company commander with the 1st Marine Division and was in his third tour of duty in Iraq.

The helmet decal will be the size of the Buckeye Leaf decal that the Buckeyes wear on their helmets. It will be a clear background with the initials R.M. on it.

Mendoza, a native of Blairstown, N.J., was a two-year letterman for the Buckeyes and was runner-up in the heavyweight division at the Big Ten championships in 1993.
Major Mendoza is survived by his wife, Karen and their two children, a daughter Kiana (12) and a son Aleksandr (8). Mrs. Mendoza is from Upper Arlington, but she and the children live in San Diego.

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