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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

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[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-2]<!--CR-->Henry Payne / The Detroit News<!--/CR-->[/SIZE][/FONT]​


It's that time
Predict the outcome of the Michigan-Ohio State game.
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The Big Game

Kickoff: 1 p.m. Saturday, Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbor

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U-M 33, N. Illinois 17
Notre Dame 17, U-M 10
U-M 55, EMU 0

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[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-2]<!--CR-->Harry How / Getty Images<!--/CR-->[/SIZE][/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]<!--CA-->Ohio State coach Jim Tressel and his array of sweater vests are 3-1 against U-M. When Tressel was hired, he began counting down the days to Ohio State's first visit to Ann Arbor.<!--/CA-->[/SIZE][/FONT]

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OK, so some John Goodman look-alike "reporter" from the Detroit Free Press (I'm very, very impressed), in a no-account, disgusting city is bitter b/c we've beated scUM 3 out of the last 4 years. Do I have it right?
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I'll get about 8 Natty's in me then head over but I'm not sure I'm going to get in. You'd be miserable after getting out. I'd say just being down there, drunk, singing "We don't give a damn..." with thousands of Buckeye fans is better than freezing your testicles off. Go ahead and get in though, we'll need some entertaiment.:)

That's what I said before drinking. I got in and it was fuckin awesome. I felt it was my duty to show my love for the Buckeyes by being a drunken moron who jumped into a lake in 20 degree temps. There was a layer of ice surrounding the lake and lots of people had some nice falls or close calls. We were in for about 15 minutes the first time, got out, dried off, looked around, and I decided to get in again. My entire body was frozen, pink, but I had the fire of the Buckeyes inside that kept me warm (and 10 Natty's). All in all, it was more fun than I would ever of guessed something so moronic could be. No regrets. FUCK MICHIGAN. LETS GO BUCKS!!!
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Football: The Ohio State football team will wear a special decal on it's helmet on Saturday in honor of former Buckeye wrestler, Marine Corps Major Ray Mendoza, who as killed in action in Iraq earlier this week, Ohio Stat announced today.
Mendoza, who graduated from Ohio State in 1995, is believed to be the first Ohio State student-athlete to be killed in Iraq.
The hemet decal will be the size of the Buckeye leaf decal that the Buckeyes wear on their helmets. It will be clear decal with the initials R. M. on it.
Mendoza, a native of Blairstown, N. J, is survived by his wife and two children.
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I thought I'd write two poems to commemorate The Game of 2005. Sorry if it's a little long.

So it's a poem-off you want, eh? I accept!!!

I’d like to share a story
That began a long time ago
Of the mighty football Buckeyes
Of them, I’m sure we all know.

Woody – The coaching legend
Walked the sidelines and screamed
His players responded with wins
For losses got them reamed.

He beat up on their rival
That team from way up north
He’d beat them year after year
And so on and so forth

He beat them sixteen times
In only twenty-eight tries
He made the other team whine
And those whines turned into cries

But one day, Woody was gone
He made a fateful mistake
Coach Bruce came into town
The reins were his to take.

He beat the bad guys five times
And lost to them only four
He made them cry like little girls
Who’d grow up to become whores

Then came their hero Cooper
Who’s celebrated daily
Not by the faithful Buckeyes
But by those who dance gay-ly.

It took him seven years
To beat them his first time
He beat them at ASU
But that’s not worth a dime

In his 13 years for us
He beat them only twice
His teams were always very good
But then they’d turn to mice

In walked Tressel, Jim’s his name
His guns came out a-blazin’
That team up north got beat down
And squished like a raisin.

We, the fans, knew that day
We could be proud of the Bucks
Again we could say, chins up,

Ode to Llloyd

There once was a team from up north,
FUCK YOU, MICHIGAN!!! You pathetic pile of dog shit!
I bet you miss Cooper, don't you Llloyd?
You pillow-biting, bone-smuggling, ass-munching, sorry excuse for a coach!
I bet your ugly ass wife beats you every night!

The end.

Damn.. you win.
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DBB's Weekly Statistical Breakdown: Extra Extra Edition for The Game

Yeah, yeah I know...

This game doesn't need stats, this game isn't about stats...

I get that, I really do. But fans talk about their teams dominance. It's what they do. And the way I choose to talk about Buckeye dominance is to back it up with facts. Here are some more of those facts...


Back in 2002, many of us who now spend our message-board time here were the voices of reason on Bucknuts. I spent much of that year defending the offense against those who insisted that we could not possibly win the Big 10, much less the NC, with the offense that we had. For that matter, they felt the defense was giving up too many yards.

One of the ways that I chose to defend the team was to point out how opportunistic the team was. The offense was incredibly efficient, and the defense tightened up in the red-zone. Both squads led the league in Plays/TD and other similar measures of a team's efficiency. In other words, the offense required fewer plays to score a TD than anyone else in the Big 10, and we forced our opponents to run MORE plays for every TD scored on us than any other league team.

While this year's team is comparatively more powerful than the 2002 squad in terms of yards and first downs; I was curious to see how they performed on the Plays/TD metric. Better yet, I wanted to see how they stacked up to scUM in this measure of efficiency.

Offense (league games only)

OSU: 462 plays / 32 touchdowns ::: 14.44 plays per TD (1st in Big 10)
scUM: 524 plays / 23 touchdowns ::: 22.78 plays per TD (8th in Big 10)

In other words, the weasels run 58% more plays for every TD they score than do the Buckeyes.

side note: Illinois runs 60.88 plays for every TD they score. That is cling-to-the-bone ugly.

Defense (league games only)

OSU: 464 plays / 11 touchdowns ::: 42.18 plays per TD (1st in Big 10)
scUM: 496 plays / 17 touchdowns ::: 29.18 plays per TD (4th in Big 10)

In other words, Ohio State's opponents have to run 45% more plays for every TD they score than scUM's opponents.

I've said it before, I'll probably say it again. Tomorrow is the first time ever that Tressel has had a team that is Who's-Your-Daddy-Biyatch superior to a scUM team. I can't wait...
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