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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

Hey Thump, did you remember to wipe your Wolverine when you were done?

I guess that is what inspired the design of their helmet. Someone took a dookie, and looked down at the design on the TP before they flushed. Hence why we call the Big House the Big Toilet bowl.
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My best friend is from Ann Arbor, and moved here just this year. He used to be a die-hard scUM fan, but I can successfully say that I have converted him to a Buckeye fan. Hes amazed at how the Columbus area is all about OSU football, and even has recently stated that "the Big House looks like shit compared to the Shoe." He started off by wearing Ann Arbor and Michigan football shirts, now I got him into a Ted Ginn jersey and OSU shirts. He says the atmosphere and how much more we know about football is crazy. Hes probably as excited for this game as I am. We're both getting tickets to almost every home game next year, I cant wait...

Well done champ.......well done.
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lvbuckeye said:
LOL... i DO NOT bet on Ohio State... i'm superstitious that way...

man, i'm so fucking pumped, i can hardly take it... i'm wortheless at work this week, and all i can talk about is The Game...

at any rate, i went out to the garage and dug through some boxes until i found my "BEAT MICHIGAN" button, and today i got seven Buckeyes in the mail... i will be carrying on in my pocket from now on, so we've got that going for us...
always in the right pocket. every game i go to i get a buckeye at the alumni house and put it in my right pocket.

(i forgot to for texas :sad2: )
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And don't forget, after Gamble's INT, we had the ball when it was 28-21.
true we were in it, but a 35 point performance seemed ludicrous beforehand. A 14-point victory is not necessarily a blowout, but that coupled with a 5 TD performance against an amazing D is a shocking spread. If that were to happen again this year, I would be even more surprised.
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Here's to another classic Wolverine-Buckeye classic....wait no, FUCK M*CH*G*N!!!! BUCKEYES 37-24!!!!! BCS.............here we come bitches!!!!!!:osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu:
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