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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

I don't think either team should blow the other out. I think its very possible tho. Nobody thought UM would hang 35 on our D in 03, and nobody thought we'd absolutely destroy UM in 04.

2003 margin of victory: 14
2004 margin of victory: 16

Although Michigan punked our defense for 35 in 2003, it was still a 7-point game (28-21) until the middle of the fourth. Last year, only an Edwards drop gave us a gift FG late to push the margin from 13 to 16 and kept Michigan from making it another hairy finish.

Since our 50-14 destruction of Michigan in 1968, there have been only two other Games that you could say were blowouts: 31-3 in 1991 and 28-0 in 1993, both Michigan wins during Cooper's regime.
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Found a pretty good preview on the scUM scout site, they speak very highly of our defense, and even call Ashton Youbouty the best defensive back in the whole conference:

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>Matchups: U-M Offense vs. OSU Defense

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</TD><TD noWrap width=3></TD><TD vAlign=top>By Josh Turel
Date: Nov 17, 2005

"The Ohio State pass rush with the LB’s blitzing is fierce ... Michigan needs a poised Chad Henne and a well-executed short passing game to get the upper hand here." So says Josh Turel after his weekly opponent film study. And that's not all ...
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Michigan’s running game against Ohio State’s rush defense

Well, Ohio State is holding teams to under 79 yards rushing for a reason: they’re an outstanding defense. Watching these guys on film, they are very active up front, both scheme-wise and with their personnel. I think this defense has the right attitude of stopping the run. They play very, very physical football and their linebackers are playmakers.

Mike Kudla has very good discipline outside and the guys along the line are hungry to get to the ball carrier. Quinn Pitcock and Marcus Green are two space eaters inside who are very active. They can also rotate Joel Penton in there and I think he does a good job sliding down the line and plugging up gaps.

The linebackers speak for themselves. There’s not much more you can say about A.J. Hawk that hasn’t been said already. I think he’s the finest linebacker in college football since Lavar Arrington, and even then you could make an argument that A.J. is better. Hawk is just that, he’s a true hawk for the ball. He’s always in good position, he has excellent range and he is just flat out making plays this year. Anthony Schlegal doesn’t have the range of Hawk, but at middle linebacker he does what he needs to and that’s play the interior gaps well. He reads action pretty well and although can take a wrong angle of two sometimes, he’s usually in great position and he’s a fine tackler. Bobby Carpenter fits in well at the strong side backer’ role. He’s dropped down to rush end in passing situations but Carpenter is another guy who’s always in great position and is a physical player. He doesn’t have the range of some of the other elite outside linebackers but he’s pretty fast for a guy his size.

The biggest key for this game is this: how the Michigan offensive line plays. Leo Henige, Adam Kraus and Matt Lentz have a big task at hand getting to the second level of the defense and blocking these linebackers. Tim Massaquoi and Tyler Ecker also have to do their part by limiting Carpenter. In my opinion Jake Long may struggle a bit, seeing as he doesn’t look 100%. The interior of the Michigan line isn’t that mobile so it may be difficult to get a helmet on these linebackers. Ohio State was able to shut down the Michigan running attack last year and it’s basically the same faces back for this year’s battle. Look for Mike Hart to get in the neighborhood of 20-22 carries unless he catches fire, with Grady getting some carries as well. Also look for Antonio Bass to get a carry or two, hopefully with some effectiveness.

Advantage: Ohio State
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Michigan’s passing game against Ohio State’s pass defense

Michigan needs a poised Chad Henne and a well-executed short passing game to get the upper hand here. Why? Because Ohio State is very active up front in order to get a pass rush, and they’ve been successful getting sacks and pressure lately. They like to stunt and twist the ends, especially when Carpenter is at rush end. They will delay-blitz A.J. Hawk and also blitz two linebackers in one gap, outnumbering the blocking scheme. Their pass rush with the LB’s blitzing is fierce, but their regular four man rushes have been getting pressure as well with Mike Kudla being the headliner. For Michigan to settle down this active front, I think they will need to incorporate their tight ends this game on quick hitters and seam routes to slow down the defense.

Screen plays are a good idea as well, although Ohio State’s secondary is quick to diagnose them. Ashton Youboty is the best defensive back in the conference and even if he’s overly aggressive he can hold his own anyway. Nate Salley lacks a broad range but he’s a big time hitter and is getting better at being in position and not taking chances. Donte Whitner is another guy who is always in great position and is athletic. The Ohio State secondary is very solid and benefits from the very active pass rush.

Michigan could get the upper hand here if they execute a proper short game and back off the aggressiveness of the front. Oh, and don’t forget about Mario Manningham … a big play by Michigan may be a necessity.

Advantage: Ohio State, slightly

Next up, the U-M Offense vs. the OSU Defense.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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So I went out tonight and bought OSU cupcakes and some other things for a BEAT MICHIGAN party at work tomorrow, and some cups and napkins for the BEAT MICHIGAN party on Saturday to watch the game. I'm ready.

The guy in front of me in line was purchasing 2 OSU sweatshirts, 2 OSU long sleeve shirts, 2 OSU knit caps, an OSU scarf, and a OSU jersey. I told him I was giving him the SPIRIT award.

There's just something special in the air... GO BUCKS!
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My best friend is from Ann Arbor, and moved here just this year. He used to be a die-hard scUM fan, but I can successfully say that I have converted him to a Buckeye fan. Hes amazed at how the Columbus area is all about OSU football, and even has recently stated that "the Big House looks like shit compared to the Shoe." He started off by wearing Ann Arbor and Michigan football shirts, now I got him into a Ted Ginn jersey and OSU shirts. He says the atmosphere and how much more we know about football is crazy. Hes probably as excited for this game as I am. We're both getting tickets to almost every home game next year, I cant wait...
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