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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

As fans were chanting one more year at the game, every time they chanted it at the end of the game and after, ET put the number 1 up and pumped it with the chant. Now whether he's saying "Number One" or "One More Year" is for you to decide, but he did it when the fans chanted one more year
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Class'13;1667845; said:
As fans were chanting one more year at the game, every time they chanted it at the end of the game and after, ET put the number 1 up and pumped it with the chant. Now whether he's saying "Number One" or "One More Year" is for you to decide, but he did it when the fans chanted one more year

I saw that too! There was talk earlier in the season between him and Jared Sullinger that if he stayed, they'd win a National Championship next year.

A Big Ten Championship and wrapping up a very convincing Naismith campaign leaves very little room for "unfinished business". However, if he comes back and wins that National Championship, he puts his graduation year up in the rafters right next to the 1960 team and his name and jersey number next to the greatest to have played the game in Columbus. Talk about leaving your mark on a program and on a sport.

It's too hard to believe that he'd come back, but it's nice to daydream about. If he leaves, you can do nothing but applaud him. Evan did it the right way: leave when you're 100% ready for the toils and the everyday life of an NBA player. It should be a lesson for all those that follow him. He's more than earned the right to go to the next level. Few people bleed S&G the way Evan does and it should be a proud moment for all of us if he declares for the NBA after this year.

Banners in he rafters or #2 pick in the draft. Evan is winning either way.
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BuckTwenty;1667851; said:
Banners in he rafters or #2 pick in the draft. Evan is winning either way.

SOOO AWESOME to see him doing that (the pumping the number 1 finger up with 1 more year chant). Willy too!!

And to the last sentence. How about BOTH!!

Whatever Evan does, I'm perfectly happy with. He's a great person and a great basketball But if he were to want to come back for one more year (and I really think he truly does love college and his teammates and Coach Matta and the chance to leave that mark and WIN that Championship) then I would gladly accept him back :)
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Turner has talked about wanting an "accomplishment" before he leaves. Last night, he said that winning the Big Ten title was an accomplishment. The big time hugs with the coaching staff most probably were another sign.

It's going to be a real surprise if he stays.
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Did Turner clinch player of year? - Beyond the Arc - msnbc.com

Did Turner clinch player of year?
Posted: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:18 PM
Filed Under: Big Ten, SEC, Player of the Year


That?ll just about do it.

Evan Turner turned in another fine game ? 16 points, 12 rebounds, 5 assists ? in Ohio State?s 73-57 win against Illinois. It wrapped up at least a share of the Big Ten title for the Buckeyes (24-7, 14-4), and may have wrapped up national player of the year honors for Turner.

The 6-7 junior wasn?t spectacular, just good vs. the Illini. He struggled with his shot early and did have four turnovers, but closed strong. Plus, his presence helped open things up for Jon Diebler, who hit 7 of 15 from beyond the arc.

And, just in case you missed SportsCenter last night, it was a clean sweep from its analysts. Jimmy Dykes, Digger Phelps, Jason Williams et al cast their support behind Turner.

Not sure I can disagree with it, either.

Cont'd ...
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TMA: Everything in its right place - College Basketball Nation Blog - ESPN

The Morning After is our semi-daily recap of the night's best action. Try not to make it awkward.

No. 7 Ohio State 73, Illinois 57: There were zero upsets to speak of last night, and Illinois' bid for a tournament-securing win at Ohio State was no different. Instead, the night was a feel-good Buckeye festival. Thad Matta's team secured a share of the Big Ten title. Evan Turner got a national spotlight, not that he needed it (more on this below). And Mark Titus, the by-now-famous purveyor of Club Trillion, made the most of his senior night, notching one final trillion in front of hundreds of Club Trillion t-shirt-clad OSU fans -- not to mention raising a whole bunch of cash for sick children. Really, things couldn't have gone much better.

The most notable performance of the night -- other than Titus', obviously -- probably came from Ohio State sharpshooter Jon Diebler, whose seven 3-pointers for 21 points (this scoreline math is refreshingly simple) helped bury the Illini in the second half. After the game, though, the only national topic was Turner. More specifically, the topic was "Is Evan Turner the player of the year?" Every analyst ESPN had to offer on Sportscenter proclaimed it to be true. The only dissenters? America. In a SportsNation poll, 37 percent of the country voted for John Wall as the player of the year; Turner notched 33 percent of the vote. Which means one thing, America: You're on notice. I know Wall might be the most familiar name, but it's March now. There's no excuse for this. Inform thyself. Wall is a great player, but Turner has had a better season, and he deserves the award. I thought we Turner advocates had settled this issue already -- seriously, you have no idea how good it felt to see the unanimous pundit praise for Turner Tuesday night -- but apparently not. We have more work to do. Turner bandwagon team ... assemble!
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Steve19;1667862; said:
Turner has talked about wanting an "accomplishment" before he leaves. Last night, he said that winning the Big Ten title was an accomplishment. The big time hugs with the coaching staff most probably were another sign.

It's going to be a real surprise if he stays.
I didn't think the hugs Turner got looked any different from the hugs Diebler got right before him. I think they were just celebrating a Big Ten title.
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Cornerback6;1667661; said:
GREAT comparison IMO. I couldn't think of a better player in the past few decades besides maybe a Grant or Penny, though Scottie seemed more aggressive in his play style than those two.

Personally, I can't speak of him during his collegiate years, but ET reminds me a LOT of Brandon Roy (primarily on the offensive side of the ball). The ball handling (esp. the crossover), the penetration ability, the mid-range shooting, pretty much the entire offensive repertoire.
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muffler dragon;1667937; said:
Personally, I can't speak of him during his collegiate years, but ET reminds me a LOT of Brandon Roy (primarily on the offensive side of the ball). The ball handling (esp. the crossover), the penetration ability, the mid-range shooting, pretty much the entire offensive repertoire.

He reminds me a lot of Michael Redd when he played in college. Slasher, penetration, mid-range, ball-handling, vision, etc. Who knew he would wind up being one of the most prolific 3 point shooters in the NBA.
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