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indianacane02 said:
Yeah, it's nice having 6 inches of seating space just to say you've got 100,000 people there. WHen you guys come down to Miami, you'll see why the Orange Bowl has the best "big game atmosphere" in college football.

Thats just funny. Who knew half empty stadiums got that kind of hype...must be a southern speed thing.

And as to the people who say we both look overrated, this game would've resembled last year's OSU/Michigan game had they played the first game of the season. Two green QB's against 2 pretty damn good defenses. The first game of every season is tough enough, even against Miami (OH), but to play it with 2 freshman QB's against two pretty good defenses is just asking too much for both teams to play very well. Overrated? We may be, but I'd love to see OSU/Michigan play their first game of the year against each other and not look like crap.

Were the kickers freshman too?

Overall, this was a great game.
Your also the guy who predicted Washington was going to kill us in 2003 because we couldn't handle their speed. Forgive us if we roll our collective eyes at any judgement calls you make.
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"Your also the guy who predicted Washington was going to kill us in 2003 because we couldn't handle their speed. Forgive us if we roll our collective eyes at any judgement calls you make."

hey lets hope he thinks texas will win!
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indianacane02 said:
Yeah, it's nice having 6 inches of seating space just to say you've got 100,000 people there. WHen you guys come down to Miami, you'll see why the Orange Bowl has the best "big game atmosphere" in college football.

You know shit. How would you know about "big game atmosphere" when you can't come close to filling a piece of shit stadium? The Shoe is a college icon, son...the Orange Bowl is just another sadium.
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Thats just funny. Who knew half empty stadiums got that kind of hype...must be a southern speed thing.

Where did this "southern speed" discussion lead into stadiums filling up?

Listen, just because you fill 100,000 people into a stadium doesn't mean it's the best atmosphere for football. Placing 80,000 into a night game at the Orange Bowl will be one of the most exciting experiences you'll have. (Of course, I hate to say it, but you probably won't get treated too well by some people in the crowd). I know Miami doesn't fill up stadiums each and every weekend. We don't have a 3,000 year tradition like you Big 10 teams. We don't have season ticket holders who are 70 years old who have been going to games for 60 years. Our crowd is very different from the Big 10. I just think we have a better "big game" atmosphere than you. That's all I'm saying. Of course I'm bias but so are you. That's just my opinion. . .that's all.

As far as picking Washington, is has been and always will be wishful thinking. If you look back in the spring, I predicted you guys to win by 14 and I still think that way. Texas is and always will be overrated. The Vince Young hype machine is out of control. He ran wild over the same Michigan team who let a backup Michigan St. QB run wild on them last year. Enough said. I don't see Texas winning this game.
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indianacane02 said:
...Placing 80,000 into a night game at the Orange Bowl will be one of the most exciting experiences you'll have...I know Miami doesn't fill up stadiums each and every weekend. We don't have a 3,000 year tradition like you Big 10 teams. We don't have season ticket holders who are 70 years old who have been going to games for 60 years. Our crowd is very different from the Big 10. I just think we have a better "big game" atmosphere than you...

The only way you'll get 80k in the OB is when we bring 40k of our fans down there. And you're dead-on about not having tradition like we have...mos Canes clowns think college football started circa 1983. As far as OSU season-ticket holders, there are tons of them in their 20s and 30s (which may seems old to your 14-year-old ass). How about explaining why you have a better big-game atmosphere than us, rather than resorting to typical Miami chest-thumping?
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Again, I'm just saying our crowds are very different. Everyone knows we don't fill up our stadiums against teams like Northwestern. Why? Because our fans could care less if we beat the crap out of those teams. Miami is a pro-sports, bandwagon town. If we're the #1 team in the nation or the team we're playing is very highly ranked. . . there's just no better place to watch a football game. That's all I'm saying. Again, we all have our opinions. I'm not trying to change yours. I'm just saying that just because you guys have 30,000 extra seats in your stadium doesn't mean it's a better place to watch a game.
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The only way you'll get 80k in the OB is when we bring 40k of our fans down there.

Uhhhh oh. Our fans aren't as loyal as your fans. That was proven at the Fiesta Bowl. That's what our fans expected and yours as well. We don't travel well. . we don't ahve 1,000,000 OSU fans in this country, our crowds are much more bandwagon. . . . I've already stated the obvious. I just feel that a night game at the ORange Bowl is the toughest place to play when there's a big game on the line. . . like a National Championship. Of course, the VT game didn't set too well of an example, but then again, it wasn't at night. It lterally is night and day between a day/night game in the OB.

OK, I think I've pissed off too many fans. I apologize for my opinions made on this board. I'm just trying to make a point but it's not going over too well. I can't wait for our rematch in 2009 or 10 in the OB and you get to offer your opinions.
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You're free to think anything you like, obviously, but doesn't admitting you have bandwagon fans only to say the Orange Bowl has the best gameday atmosphere seem like a contradiction in terms?

You guys do have all that cool smoke when the Canes hit the field. I forgot about that. :wink:
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indianacane02 said:
I'm just saying that just because you guys have 30,000 extra seats in your stadium doesn't mean it's a better place to watch a game.

We don't have 'extra seats'. We have additional seats, or more seats, but they get filled.

'30,000 extra seats' is when the 80,000 seat Orange Bowl has only 50,000 people in it. :tongue2:
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cane2: I'm guessing you are about 12 years old. Emotionally. Pick'n on 70-year-olds is never becoming, especially for someone from Florida.

Just wish you and your cohorts had a support base like the Buckeye Nation of loyal fans over the decades, who faithfully support the Bucks, rain or shine, young or old.

Some oldster Bucks get a ration of shit from many younger Bucks for not standing and shouting during games at Ohio Stadium. ('course, I'm an exception come 10Sep:biggrin: ). Maybe they forget we lost our football voices decades ago from overuse? Ha, in many cases the old soldiers are shouting, it's just one of those age things.:wink2:

At any rate, you are extremely uninformed if you have not attended a football game in our Shoe. "Fools walk in where angels fear to tread."

It will be of mild interest to see how quickly miami rebuilds.
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first off, that game was crap, and anyone who thinks that was an "instant classic" or football at its best/purest is fooling themselves or knows nothing about football.

the duration of this post is a venting to the following comment listed directly below. just wanted to give a fair warning.

indianacane02 said:
Miami is a pro-sports, bandwagon town.

I couldn't have said it better. Most Miami players are not thinking about team, or winning a title for their school, but picking up a check on Sunday. You know why you can't fill up a stadium, regardless of the capacity? It's due to the "me-first" mindset that any "star" player on Miami has. They are not in it for the team win, but to get their name out there and pad their stats for all those recruiters. Miami fans, which has to be an oxymoron, know that. That is why they don't give a rat's ass if Miami plays a "nobody." Do you think Green Bay faithful take a Sunday off based on the opponent? They don't, and neither do Big Ten fans.

I am not going to lie an say that tOSU always has the best players, because we don't, but Miami usually has a plethora of talent at their fingertips. Florida is a breeding ground for athletic talent. The reason we, tOSU or most Big Ten teams, have such a strong tradition and following has less to do with talent, and more to do with heart and sacrifice for team. And to be honest, it isn't all schools in Florida that lack "electric atmospheres," but mostly Miami. The Swamp has to be one of the, if not the, toughest places to play in college football. Why is that? One word, team. tOSU has had talent, only 2 time heisman winner and don't even start with ml at USC, but our talented players haven't let their success in their respective sport balloon their ego out of control, with the exception of Maurice Clarrett, and I think I speak for most tOSU faithful when I say that we are extremely happy with how he is doing in the NFL, with the whole Broncos cutting him thing.

You think I am exaggerating the point? Well here is a current example, I saw/heard more about Neon Deon helping Devin Hester than the actual Florida State/Miami game. I love the way they could not stop talking about how he is the best return man in college football and how he has "next man speed." I think if I hear that dumbass phrase one more time, I will loose it. That phrase was coined up by Neon and probably his agent in order to market the next big thing for the moment, Hester, to the owners of the NFL. How did Hester do again? Funny how Ted Ginn didn't have half the exposure, even though he put up better numbers on Saturday and last year. In 2004, Ginn put up 384 yds and 4 tds off of 15 punt returns, when Hester put up 326 yds and 3 tds off of 19 punt returns. Hester did have one more td off of kick returns, but Ginn only got to return 2 kick-offs last year as compared to 15 for Devin.

To end this venting, my point is that Miami players have their priorities screwed up severely, and that directly affects their "electric football environment" in a negative way. That could be directly link to the coaches/administration and not just to the players. Don't bash the tradition of the Big Ten or the fact that our fans and alumni want to give back to their schools, as most did as players, so that we would have the fortune of holding 100,000+ fans for our games on Saturday. Miami will typically have better talent then tOSU or most Big Ten teams, but will not come close to football atmosphere. Miami has been running downhill since their unfortunate loss to tOSU in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl, and I suspect that trend will continue until some principles of teamwork and sacrifice are made the focus and not facetime. Oh yeah, and don't expect Miami or FSU to win the ACC with play like that. VT will wax either of those teams right now. Just my .02. :)
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indianacane02 said:
As far as picking Washington, is has been and always will be wishful thinking. If you look back in the spring, I predicted you guys to win by 14 and I still think that way. Texas is and always will be overrated. The Vince Young hype machine is out of control. He ran wild over the same Michigan team who let a backup Michigan St. QB run wild on them last year. Enough said. I don't see Texas winning this game.

Bull-fucking-shit. You were over on the Washington site all off season between 02 and 03 running your suck about how bad we were gonna get beat, how lucky we got in the Fiesta Bowl etc etc etc. I saw it with my own 2 eyes.

Also iirc you promised to leave and never return if we won a certain game that you were confident we would lose. Well we won it......
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