Folks are always drawing comparisons between JT and Woody. I think recruiting is one area where they are very different - and perhaps to the detriment of OSU.
Woody would sell the academics (and mean it) and cajole the parents, but he was also capable of putting the squeeze on the kid and of pushing for that hand shake. Everything I ever read from someone JT is recruiting is that there was no pressure, that he should take his time, and here are some things he should think about. In general that is a fair approach. Lay out the facts and let the kid - and his family - make the decision.
But when I read Davis comments about how Carroll flew out here and told him he needed to play in a wide open passing offense and not at OSU, that sounds like the high pressure sales pitch that puts USC first and Fred Davis second. He is telling Fred the things Fred wants to hear, same as he did Colvin and most likely Jarret. Nothing clealry unethical, and it works.
As close as Fred was to going to OSU to please his coach and parents I fully believe that he would have committed if JT had put the press on. Would that be wrong?
In the case of a Kyle Mitchum who has his head on straight and can make a mature decision, I like JTs approach. Had he chosen Iowa I would have been disappointed for OSU, but would have felt it was a fair decision.
For a kid like Fred Davis who is so confused and focused on so many of the wrong things I think JT knew what was best for the kid more than the kid himself and a little pressure would have been OK.
Look where things are now. This immature teenager compromises himself and alienates many of his friends by sneaking out in the middle of the night. He ignores his coach and parents input on what is best for him. He travels 3,000 miles to leave every semblance of his life long support system behind. What happens if he isn't the number one guy after all? How does Fred react and who helps him through that? This move as it came about was clearly not in the best interests of a kid like Fred Davis.
Pete Carroll won this battle, but he need not be proud of it. Nor should JT.