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Football, Futbol, Soccer, etc. (Official Thread)

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'Chaos' at Copa América: Full timeline of fans storming Hard Rock stadium​

The 2024 Copa América final between Argentina and Colombia was delayed due to fan mobs outside Hard Rock Stadium in Miami that caused temporary gate closures. Eventually, gates were reopened after a tense situation between fans and authorities outside the stadium. Security officials are reportedly not checking tickets and the stadium is at capacity with more fans filing in.

Kickoff has been delayed by CONMEBOL due to issues with getting fans into the stadium after some gates were breached by a fan stampede and subsequently closed.

'Chaos' inside Hard Rock Stadium

There is "chaos" inside the stadium as fans have been allowed to breach the gates, with multiple videos showing stunning scenes.

Fans climbing through vents

Some fans are climbing through vents in order to try to get inside the stadium, according to video that has emerged on social media.

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