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Game Thread Florida A&M Rattlers at tOSU, Sep 21, 12 ET, BTN

If kenny threw a better screen/swing pass he'd be a better throwing qb than braxton and it wouldn't be close. His pocket presence and patients are something this offense needs. We have speed else ware now and just need the qb to facilitate the ball.

If we sputter with braxton next week... don't be shocked to see kenny come in. I haven't seen a three game stretch like this for offense for a very long time.
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I don't even know what you do when the team is this far ahead. Suit up the cheerleaders?

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If kenny threw a better screen/swing pass he'd be a better throwing qb than braxton and it wouldn't be close. His pocket presence and patients are something this offense needs. We have speed else ware now and just need the qb to facilitate the ball.

If we sputter with braxton next week... don't be shocked to see kenny come in. I haven't seen a three game stretch like this for offense for a very long time.

I haven't see OSU play 3 defenses this bad all in a row either. I give Guiton all the credit in the world, and am very comfortable with him starting, but Miller is the starter unless he's injured.
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If kenny threw a better screen/swing pass he'd be a better throwing qb than braxton and it wouldn't be close. His pocket presence and patients are something this offense needs. We have speed else ware now and just need the qb to facilitate the ball.

If we sputter with braxton next week... don't be shocked to see kenny come in. I haven't seen a three game stretch like this for offense for a very long time.

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