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2025 FL WR Vernell Brown III (Florida Commit))

4-star WR Vernell Brown III The buzz: In the coming weeks, Vernell Brown III is hoping to cut is list down one final time. He has a Top 11, but that could soon change. The buzz has been around Ohio State, but don't count those in-state schools
out for the playmaker out of Orlando Jones. Florida, Florida State and Miami are still very much in this race. The wide receiver production at Ohio State does appeal to him, but staying home is something he is looking at as well. A decision is expected this summer and he is finalizing his official visit
schedule this spring.
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The three most important Ohio State football upcoming recruiting visits

The Ohio State football program has some important visits coming up from some great recruits. These are the three most important ones.

2. Vernell Brown III​

One position that the Ohio State football program usually doesn't have any issue recruiting is the wide receiver position. Brian Hartline is as good of a recruiter as anyone in the country. His track record speaks for itself and receiver recruits have taken notice.

After landing the number-one overall recruit in last year's class, he is trying to land another really solid receiver for 2025. Vernell Brown III is one of those receivers. He is listed as a four-star recruit and is from Orlando, Florida. He is currently projected to pick the Buckeyes.

Brown III is set to visit Columbus on May 31st. He stands at 5'11 and 170 pounds, so he's not the biggest guy in the world. He makes up for that with his speed and his solid set of hands. That's something the Ohio State football team is always on the look out for.
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Saw the projected depth chart of tOSU. The WRs are stacked with 5*'s and high 4*s. And other than Emeka, are young 'uns. Talented certainly, but mostly unproven. Don't really know how Hartline looks at these kids, whether practices or his views on potential on who gets minutes and who sits and waits. Guess that's what makes him great. So far, tOSU has lost 3/4 of a WR recruiting class, sandwiched between proven performers, and sky-high potential. Plus the #1 WR, player, etc in the nation. No matter how competitive these 18 year olds are, it would certainly give me pause to get in a long line, hoping to work my way up. Not that that's a door closer, but would warrant some thought. 11-12 WRs is a bunch, especially if not utilizing 6 in a game. Don't think the 4*s will join (?), as the NIL money probably doesn't extend down that far without getting a starting nod or somesuch. Believe tOSU has 3 years of WRs on the bench, before the NFL beckons these guys. Guess I'll hunker down and watch how it goes. Go Bucks!
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