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First BCS released 10/17

the tournament that you're all referring to already exists.
It's called the regular season.

Funny thing is that rgular season tourney keeps leaving all these lingering little questions like LSU or USC, Auburn or USC, Oregon or Nebraska to play Miami, FSU or OSU to play UT...and thats just in the BCS era.

1994 Penn State ran the table in the tourney you are referring to and got zilcho for their efforts.

3 times in the 90's you have a split NC (shoulda been 4)
1 time already (should have been 2) in 5 years of this decade you have a split.

Thats 4 (shoulda been 6) in 15 years or about 40% of the time your tourney doesn't produce a winner.

Its what the powers that be want you to think but its a flawed argument.
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OK - just for shits and giggles lets say the top 8 pan out as above.

That's 2 ACC teams, 2 Big 12 Teams, 3 SEC Teams and 1 PAC 10 team.

Just putting on the parochial hat of the Big 10 for the moment - how does this help the Big 10 reel in its "share" of bowl money, let alone the Big Least champ - should they maintain an adequate ranking.

See, that is the one of two (and the primary) flaw with the arrangement you propose.


And the inequitable distribution of the same.

True, these things DO even out over time, so you could have years in which the PAC10 and Big 10 dominate at the expense of other conferences. But the fear of being left out in the cold vs a guaranteed pay-off would stop the Conference Commissioners dead in their tracks. The Commissioners would probably couch this in high sounding language defending the rights of the hard fought champion of a Conference not in that slate of 8 to get a look in with their guaranteed bowl berth. But that's largely a smoke screen, its really about dollars and cents, follow the money.

Which brings me to the second, lesser flaw. You have created above a set of secondary bowls, leading up to the bigger semi-finals and championship game. In a situation where one region or two dominates that top 8 this makes for less interesting viewing of the bowl games themselves - not for obsessed fans such as those on boards like these, but rather for the holiday viewing traffic that boosts ratings. Which of course has an impact on many factors, including TV revenues, which leads back to, money.
There probably is a way to overcome that fear factor in the minds of the Commissioners, but it isnt going to be an easy sell.

money is a consideration and schools will still get some from the other bowls but if they cant make it to a BCS game then whos fault is that? we will have at least one big 10 team in a BCS game by the end of the year anyways so no biggie. however i understand your notion and its a big industry these days to keep the cash flow coming in so yea they prolly would not approve.:(
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OK - just for shits and giggles lets say the top 8 pan out as above.

That's 2 ACC teams, 2 Big 12 Teams, 3 SEC Teams and 1 PAC 10 team.
:osu: You have a point but I don't think the top 8 will look this way, year end. Maybe 1 ACC, very good chance only 1 Big 12, probably only 2 SEC, probably 1 Big 10 and maybe even 2 PAC 10 how knows, maybe people take a likeing to WV out of the Big East - doubtful but?? Consider the thought when season is complete. Again, good point though - I might look back on the past few years and see how it would have looked, doing this.
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the tournament that you're all referring to already exists.
It's called the regular season.
I really dislike this argument. Auburn clearly was an elite team last year, going undefeated in the SEC (the toughest conference last year, hands down), and had two future NFL star RBs on their team (as well as a first round QB). They obviously could have given USC a better game then the hapless Sooners, who once again benefited from being OU and getting the nod (see '03 season as well, USC was better in 03, Auburn was better in '04).

How many times does it have to screw up before you say it's a bad system?

The worst defense of all is when the analysts say "well it worked out, and there wasn't a bcs disaster this year." Who cares? The fact that it is very possible to have a trainwreck every year and deny a legitimate team a shot is ludicrous. Either admit that your system does not promise an outright winner (ie 2003) b/c there are flaws, or implement a playoff.
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A playoff would work...but only if done the right way. You'd have to have HOME GAMES for the playoffs. With the higher seed getting a home game. That way fans wouldn't have to travel to "bowl games" every week for 3 weeks or whatever. Just have the "final four" be in bowl games. The final four go to the BCS bowls or whatever...and the rest of the country plays in other games around the holidays for the other bowl games. Having home games for the playoffs would still add a MAJOR incentive to WIN OUT!!! Therefore...games would still mean just as much. Also...I think you need to have 16 teams in the playoffs. At a minimum 8...but I think you need 16. I am almost positive when they decide to go to a playoff...they will screw it up.
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The NCAA is not willing to add a plus one game, let alone 3 extra games required for a 16 team playoff. Besides, when was the last time you felt bad for anyone who wasn't in the top 8? In a perfect world 16 might be nice, but there isn't enough time in the schedule.

even just a 4 team BCS playoff would do wonders, and would solve virtually every controversy I can remember in its history. (I may be forgetting one scenario)
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I think 6 would be the perfect number of teams. Sixteen is just never going to be considered. 6 has an advantage over 8 in that the top two teams get rewarded with 1st-round byes (nullifying the pro-BCS argument that a playoff renders the regular season meaningless). Home field for the first round. Neutral field for the final four.
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Zurp, did you drink less than normal this weekend? You're posts are making a lot more sense to me lately.

Really? That's not good.. for you, I mean. You should go see a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist. Don't see a Garbage Man - believe me, they don't know how to cure you. It's my understanding that psychiatrists have an entire class devoted to me. Go see a shrink, and tell him, "Mr. Pumpkin has a big nose and his store smells like bacon. And I understood what Zurp was saying, earlier." Watch out, because he might whack you in the face with a shovel, but it's all part of the recovery process.

In no time, my posts will be back to the normal, stupid ramblings you've come to know and love. Or hate. Whichever's funnier.
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Pat Forde complaining about ND's low BCS ranking:

"Seriously: If Notre Dame was a top 10 team before playing USC, what happened Saturday that convinced voters it was no longer a top 10 team afterward? To justify dropping the Irish, you'd have to reason that USC isn't very good either and drop the Trojans two or three spots. You'd have to say that the game really wasn't that great after all.

Which, of course, no one is saying."

I am not sure how he can make such a statement while not making the same statement regarding OSU in its loss to UT.
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Pat Forde complaining about ND's low BCS ranking:

"Seriously: If Notre Dame was a top 10 team before playing USC, what happened Saturday that convinced voters it was no longer a top 10 team afterward? To justify dropping the Irish, you'd have to reason that USC isn't very good either and drop the Trojans two or three spots. You'd have to say that the game really wasn't that great after all.

Which, of course, no one is saying."

I am not sure how he can make such a statement while not making the same statement regarding OSU in its loss to UT.

So, does the ESPN expert realize that one human poll didn't drop the Irish, the other dropped them from 9th to 12th, but the computers rank them 22, 23, 25, 25, NR, and NR? And that's why they're not near the top ten in the FIRST BCS rankings of the season.

The lack of understanding of the BCS by people that are paid to write about college football is just frickin' appalling!

OK - I feel better now. I got to rip somebody at ESPiN without having to visit their site or watch their channel. :biggrin:
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