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[quote='BusNative;126125;7]I hate bitch-ass "buckeyes" who do nothing but complain and melt down with every loss. Go sell bitchassness somewhere else. I'm not fucking buying.[/quote]

A meltdown is more less disappointment, so complaining isn't the word, more less pissed off.
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FCollinsBuckeye;1261226; said:
Oh God, why did I just follow suit and go there?

All I needed was to read this gem of post from 'Nut Tree'. He sums Bucknuts up nicely with his last line:


And then some elitist pr ick mod posts this:


Buckeye Baseball!
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 102


This is, quite possibly, the most pathetic thread ever on Bucknuts and that's saying something.

Go Bucks!
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JCOSU86;1260969; said:
And the meltdown continues at Scout and Bucknuts.

I haven't been to Bucknuts but I noticed over at scout they had an "official" fire Jim Tressel thread. When it got locked, someone started another thread complaining about it. :lol:

That reminds me...yep, it's still in safe keeping. :wink:

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