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Fan Behavior and KH's Apology (Merged all)

in this case im waiting for an apology from texas too. some of their fans were very confrontational. they seemed to intiate a lot.ive said multiple times how poorly osu fans acted. but i have yet to hear from anyone the worst part to me, the texas fans chanting/singing some texas chant/song over the national anthem. that really pissed me off.
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Man, talk about dumbass fans. So, I'm a Wisky fan and I'm at one of our home games at Camp Randall against OSU and this Suckeye fan has the audacity to be THROWING A FOOTBALL with some of his friends. Man, talk about disrespectful! I decide to teach this punk a little lesson, so I run over and tackle him from behind. Next thing I know, he's beating the tar out of me and I end running home crying to my mother. Man, OSU fans are terrible. They all ought to be hung by their testicles from a willow tree and beaten severely with rubber hoses. :biggrin:

see, what happened was, I saw these assholes coming, and I saw the one come running at me, so right at impact I threw him an elbow into his nose, yes, he did tackle me, but he got up and walked away with a bloody nose. and we laughed at him. He invited us to fight him after the game, But we didnt feel that was in our best interests.
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Thats the big problem, plus before she came here she had never even been a president of a university. We need someone from a high profile president job to run this place. One that understrand that there is a place for both athletics and acedemics, and you don't have to sacrifice one for the other
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i was at the game up in C11 and i ran into some texas fans before the game and they were especially nice at halftime. everyone of them agreed it was a good game and we chatted and they referenced how ohio stadium reminded them of lincoln. no probs at all there. i did see our fans yell "fuck texas!" multiple times but it was just the drunken fans and youth. to be honest the maddest i got all night was prolly wiht out own fans. i came from a high profile football school and i played and i know what its about. a lot of fans kept contradicting themselves and i wanted to deck them honestly. when smith was running draws and keepers for 3-4 yards and slowly driving down the field a guy behind me kept saying "why are we running the ball, we cant run?". about 30 seconds later after smith ran it again he was like "yea keep running we dont need to pass". smith got sacked one time on a rollout PASS and the kid was "why are we always running, it doesnt work?" . people like this really frustrate me and they are always the assholes in the fanbase because they usually dont know how the game is nor are supportive. as far as texas goes i was happy with their fanbase besides one incident when i was walking to a friends house on neil and king and walked by the gameday set and 2 texas fans walked almost all the way behind me there and they yelled "fuck texas!" mocking us since we had lost. i in no way condone insulting other teams and i was definitely not in the mood for this after a devastating loss, simply put i turned around and looked as if i was about to kill them and the 2 of them just slowly veered off course like nothing happened:biggrin: other than that great game to watch and much better fan cooperation than anybody had ANTICIPATED if you ask me.
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From her bio at www.osu.edu

Karen A. Holbrook became the 13th president of The Ohio State University on October 1, 2002. She is committed to helping Ohio State realize its vision as a truly great research and teaching university.
Dr. Holbrook came to Columbus from The University of Georgia, where since 1998 she served as senior vice president for academic affairs and provost as well as professor of cell biology and adjunct professor of anatomy and cell biology and medicine at the Medical College of Georgia.
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the texas fans chanting/singing some texas chant/song over the national anthem. that really pissed me off.

That is the first that I have heard of that, but if it was really going on then I will be the first to apologize. Did they realize that the anthem had started. I guess my question is, was their chant/song started before or durring the anthem. Either way they should have shut up but one is slightly less embarasing than the other<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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It's because she's from Georgia. She could give two shits about our school. She just wanted a high profile job. We need to hire a Buckeye to run the show.

Biography- removed (it was posted while I was posting)

Here is Holebrook's information for those of you interested:


Unique name at OSU = holbrook.79
Email addresses:
Published address = [email protected]
+1 614 292 2424
Physiology and Cell Biology
Office of the President
Internal Medicine
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