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So I saw where you could "Describe your dragon", and I did. Now my description is awaiting moderation? Fucking lame city. Population T.J.

Here was my description for my red dragon, "Weasel Slayer" is as follows...

He eats weasels...aka, Wolverines. He hates TSUN, and lives to hunt. He once breathed fire on Rita Rodriguez...that's why she looks like that. He also likes the candy buckeyes.

Now here are the comments regarding my description. Fucking tools...

  • Reject: Seriously, this description made my day. I think maybe a little too silly though.
  • Reject: 'aka' Should be spelled out.
  • Abstain: ...Weird, but not enough to reject. :P Abstain~
Upvote 0
BUCKYLE;1340590; said:
So I saw where you could "Describe your dragon", and I did. Now my description is awaiting moderation? Fucking lame city. Population T.J.

Here was my description for my red dragon, "Weasel Slayer" is as follows...

Now here are the comments regarding my description. Fucking tools...

  • Reject: Seriously, this description made my day. I think maybe a little too silly though.
  • Reject: 'aka' Should be spelled out.
  • Abstain: ...Weird, but not enough to reject. :P Abstain~

I don't bother to do descriptions. Every one of them is voted on before it's allowed.
Upvote 0
OCBuckWife;1340591; said:
I don't bother to do descriptions. Every one of them is voted on before it's allowed.

The level of anger I feel to these people can't be described with words. I really want to hurt them for taking these things so seriously. But then that means I'm taking it seriously...I need to punch myself in the face. I'm so confused right now.
Upvote 0
BUCKYLE;1340595; said:
The level of anger I feel to these people can't be described with words. I really want to hurt them for taking these things so seriously. But then that means I'm taking it seriously...I need to punch myself in the face. I'm so confused right now.

The beard will calm you. Stroke the beard. And I mean the fur on your FACE. :wink2:
Upvote 0
BUCKYLE;1340599; said:
Thanks...I needed that. I still think its silly that they are so controlling with fuckin' dragons.

I agree. But then I remember its owned by a teenager and run by teenagers. I'm nearly middle aged and I'm playing with dragons. And then I laugh a lot at how ridiculous I am. :wink2:
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BUCKYLE;1340601; said:
Ok, so I changed some things...and there's already one vote for "reject", and all it says is..."hmmm..."

I'm going to get my scroll burned here soon.

Se, that's why I don't bother with descs. "Hmmmm" isn't a fucking reason or even constructive criticism. That's just some kid exercising his personal "god complex" bs on your dragon. It's all that is the worst about "internet anonymity" encapsulated.
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