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Hubbard;1332073; said:
So I completed my dragon collection...waht now? Breeding you silvers so you can complete yours??

Ha ha ha! You could start collecting hatchlings for every breed now.
You could work on figuring out what is going on at
http://dragcave.net/wilderness or just keep an eye out for new dragons in the news thread. Or, pick a rare and see how many of them you can get. Or say screw it, I'm done and stop doing anything.

I say you go and mess with the "giving tree" thread. They have all these stupid rules to be given special alt and rare eggs. I say, breed regularly, check their "silver waiting list" and give eggs to anyone in the thread that ISNT on that stupid list and then post about it every time.

I lost an alt green trade the other day to lag. I was pretty unhappy about that.

ClickyViewy goodness today.
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Nicknam4;1333845; said:
What is the wilderness thing for?

How did you find it?

What is it for? Unknown. Lots of rumors on the forums, but of course any thread that is more than casual discussion gets locked. Most common idea right now? New feature is ability to "release" adults. They unname and go away off your scroll. Not adoptable. so? Where do they go..................what does a band of wild dragons do? Live. Breed. La? Best I got but I haven't sifted rumors in the last few days.
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