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Dymonte "LLLL" Thomas (DB ttun)

I want to remind posters of this fact. A few weeks ago, in response to one post by a poster, Jwinslow or wadc45 said the following about Thomas: He is gone and is not coming back. I don't see anything that is going to change his mind at this time. I'm definitely not holding my breath.
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ant80;2064029; said:
I want to remind posters of this fact. A few weeks ago, in response to one post by a poster, Jwinslow or wadc45 said the following about Thomas: He is gone and is not coming back. I don't see anything that is going to change his mind at this time. I'm definitely not holding my breath.
IIRC, that was before Urban got involved, and certainly before his cousin reaffirmed his commitment to tOSU. Not saying he's going to flip, but 14 months is a long time, and UFM is very good at what he does. For all we know, Urban may identify other targets he prefers before then, so who knows.
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ant80;2064029; said:
I want to remind posters of this fact. A few weeks ago, in response to one post by a poster, Jwinslow or wadc45 said the following about Thomas: He is gone and is not coming back. I don't see anything that is going to change his mind at this time. I'm definitely not holding my breath.


Suffice it to say, I won't put anything past UFM anymore. I had Dunn gone to UM three weeks ago.
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wadc45;2064092; said:

Suffice it to say, I won't put anything past UFM anymore. I had Dunn gone to UM three weeks ago.

Regardless of how realistic of an option Thomas to Columbus is, it will still be immensely enjoyable watching the folks up north squirm about it for the next 14 months knowing that Urban Meyer is after one of their players.

At the very least, it will force Hoke to spend time and resources on a player that was previously considered a lock, preventing him from from spending that time recruiting other players.

I like the message this is sending:

"If you want to poach Ohio talent, no matter how much they like your school or how heavily you are favored, you are going to have to work for it until signing day." -Urban Meyer
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Buckeye86;2064098; said:
At the very least, it will force Hoke to spend time and resources on a player that was previously considered a lock, preventing him from from spending that time recruiting other players.

I like the message this is sending:

"If you want to poach Ohio talent, no matter how much they like your school or how heavily you are favored, you are going to have to work for it until signing day." -Urban Meyer

Urban Meyer is no fool. He understands this sport is very much like war. Your comment is interesting, most people don't really consider denial and deception as a tactic in recruiting, but it is one of the oldest tactics in any war. Deny knowledge of the truth to the enemy, deceive them in to believing the untrue. This is a win no matter how it shakes out if they have to go back to work on something they considered finished.

How could you not sweat this? I would think it appears plausible based on the events of the past couple of weeks alone--even if Thomas keeps contradicting it.
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This is old; from before Dymonte's commitment to Michigan.

$ Scout Brionte Dunn and Dymonte Thomas on the Future

A video interview from a long time ago.

"We've talked about things. When Brionte signs on NSD we've talked about me committing to that same school that same day. I don't know, we'll see what happens. I don't know if I'll go through with that."

Still a long, long time to go from now until Dymonte's signing day, but I do know they and their family would like for them to go to the same school.
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kn1f3party;2064219; said:
Urban Meyer is no fool. He understands this sport is very much like war. Your comment is interesting, most people don't really consider denial and deception as a tactic in recruiting, but it is one of the oldest tactics in any war. Deny knowledge of the truth to the enemy, deceive them in to believing the untrue. This is a win no matter how it shakes out if they have to go back to work on something they considered finished.

How could you not sweat this? I would think it appears plausible based on the events of the past couple of weeks alone--even if Thomas keeps contradicting it.

It is a 100 yard war.


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osugrad21;2064475; said:
Scout$--Thomas? Blue Proclamation

Dymonte reaffirms his love of Michigan and talks it up for the home site.


I thought I would add my opinion, for what little it's worth:

If you go to the first page of this thread, and read post number 2, it's clear Thomas has dreamed of playing for OSU.


If you go to his Scout profile and look at his schools of interest, he lists both Florida and OSU but didn't receive an offer from either.


My opinion is with the love he's always wanted, he'll end up signing with OSU in the end.
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I completely agree, it almost seemed like he rushed a decision because he felt scorned that OSU didn't expressly attempt to build the 2013 class around him. Can't blame a 16 year old for being a little bitter in that case. But as stated above, this is far from over.
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