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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

TDG;1994118; said:
I don't blame Fickell for the loss tonight; the talent just isn't there. Ultimately he gave both QBs a pretty good chance, and neither of them particularly impressed. Maybe it's just that I, unlike most people it seems, don't think it's obvious that we need to drop Bauserman for Miller. Bauserman is at the very least a steady hand who won't turn the ball over, and tonight he was the victim of a lot of drops, not that he threw the ball that well. Miller doesn't appear comfortable with our playbook or in the pocket, and turned the ball over twice tonight, which you have to expect from a true freshman QB. Seems like a lose-lose for Fickell, he'll be blamed and second-guessed no matter what. I sure as hell don't envy him.

I don't specifically blame the coaches more than anything else, but the talent IS there.

You'd have to be blind to not see it. The SUSPENSIONS have hurt this team. Players who aren't ready are going to play like players who aren't ready. Is that a fault of the coaching? Maybe some, but when you're playing freshman by and large it's just a developmental issue.

Fickell could have stuck with Miller more, but neither one was really moving the ball and to be honest, I don't really know if he was making that decision in-game. We will see next week - if Miller goes, Fick is making the decision. If it's this stupid platoon thing, he's not making a decision.

Also, as for Miller not being comfortable with the playbook (whatever the hell that means), you're going to have that with a freshman. Why? BECAUSE HE'S A FRESHMAN. Troy wasn't comfortable with the playbook until the Michigan game in 2004 and THAT still was a lot of improvisation on his part.
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Fickell, the only thing I want you to remember about this week is how pissed off this loss feels. Come out pissed off next week, and wax some Buffalo ass! That sounds wrong, but I'll roll with it.
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He just stood there at the end, acting like he was thinking about calling a timeout, but never did...he barely shook hands after the game...jogged straight into the locker room...talked in cliche's after the presser...not a good vibe at all from him tonight. At all.
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We were out coached once again today and the inexperience is really showing. The head coach has got to step in and make a decision about who is going to play QB....It seems as if he wants to defer all aspects of the offense and you just can't do that as a head coach.
JT made the move to TP several years ago when we got our asses handed to us by USC and Fickell has got to do it now. We made the switch then with a much better QB in Todd Boeckman and it is time to move on right now.
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what "tons" of drops are you speaking of? Don't fault Stoney for that one in the endzone... He's wide open and the ball was thrown so poorly behind him that he had to throw the breaks just to get a hand on it. If he leads him it's an easy TD and a differnet ball game. Other that that so called drop I can think of the one by Verlon but that's about it. He was not a victim of poor WR play, but just poor placement and poor execution.

The play calling was dumb too though. I think with Braxton out there and having Hall run in motion with that zone read/sweep formation gives us a ton of options.
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I was really pissed to see us not taking any time outs in the 4th quarter on Miami's final drive. I understand the thought of wanting to save some for offense but it became obvious we had given up when they got into our redzone. I didn't like that at all.

It is obvious that our offense has no identity. When we found something that was working (running between the tackles with Jordan Hall and a tad with Carlos Hyde) we abandoned it quickly. I plan on watching the game tomorrow again so I'm sure I'll have more on that.

The overall offensive game plan for was pretty embarrassing. I can honestly say that we might have the worst Buckeye offense I can ever remember. I felt bad for our defense, as I felt they played their hearts out and laid it all out on the line. I felt like Luke Fickell came into this game with an inferior plan of attack. So much so, that even when the defense made big plays and special teams made big plays, our offense couldn't get a damn thing going.

I can live with losses as a young team. I can live with losses while playing to win. I can't live with losses by playing not to lose offensively and expecting the world from your defense. We didn't look like men of action out there, we looked like men of doubt, at least on offense.
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Deety;1994210; said:
Agree in principal, but I also see a lot of stuff hitting the fan when on-the-job training takes more than a few quarters.

Isn't it hitting the fan already? Besides, what has Joe given us that we just can't afford to lose with a freshman QB? 2 for 13 for 13 yards?
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OhioState001;1994087; said:
Honestly thought Fickell did all he could tonight. He gave both Qb's chances and neither could do anything, I mean other than Wr's and Qb's did we play that bad?

I agree. Fickel was not holding the ball like a loaf of bread so it could be knocked away. If Miller does not fumble, it could be a different result. We still might have lost, but I think our defense would not have been so gassed at the end of the game.
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TDG;1994118; said:
I don't blame Fickell for the loss tonight; the talent just isn't there. Ultimately he gave both QBs a pretty good chance, and neither of them particularly impressed. Maybe it's just that I, unlike most people it seems, don't think it's obvious that we need to drop Bauserman for Miller.

He gave Miller 3 possession tonight. He gave Bauserman everything else. He gave Miller nothing last week. To say "he gave both QBs a pretty good chance" is not backed up by the evidence.

Besides, once again, we're acting like Bauserman is a proven commodity. He is not. He is a 26 year old walk on. Miller is a five star recruit freshman. Given tonight's result, which makes more sense? Struggling offensively with the senior, or the freshman? The choice is obvious to me. Play the kid and let him get better. He's our QB next year and beyond. What do we have to lose by playing him now? Not much based on what we saw tonight, and last week for that matter.
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Like most every program...Ohio State was not ready for the departure of Prior, the suspension of several stud players, and their head coach being fired. That in itself is nearly impossible to overcome.

Fickell is in a no win situation for himself. Asked to lead a program that had to deal with more shit than any other college had to deal with before the first kickoff to the new year. Is stuck with surrounding assistants that he has to deal with (whether he has great chemistry with them or not we don't know). Tress was the glue to the program.

Its never a good feeling when you get a head job but are restricted with who you have around you. Not to mention you are asked to replace Tress! Ohio State fans have been spoiled with winnning. There is only one way to go and that is down (this year im speaking of).

For any head coach...you never want to be that guy that follows the legend. No win situation! You always want to be that guy that comes in after the fall guy.
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Jake - as backup to your point, it isn't like Miller can be red-shirted now that he's been on the field of play.

So, the only cherry of significance has already been popped.

Play the kid. Period. End of discussion.
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