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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

Gatorubet;1945280; said:
When you look a the 2011 Buckeyes and the talent and depth of the roster, where do your think you stand in that regard compared to the other 2011 Big-10 programs. I'm not talking your record at year's end, but purely the talent and depth you have compared to your conference brethren.

Who ranks in the top five, and by how big a margin?

1. Ohio State (talent level is off the charts compared to the other B10 schools)
2. Michigan State
3. Nebraska
4. Wisconsin
5. your pick of Iowa or Penn State
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Gatorubet;1945280; said:
When you look a the 2011 Buckeyes and the talent and depth of the roster, where do your think you stand in that regard compared to the other 2011 Big-10 programs. I'm not talking your record at year's end, but purely the talent and depth you have compared to your conference brethren.

Who ranks in the top five, and by how big a margin?

I think we have the most talented team but with fewer established names compared to past years. Defense should carry us to at least 8 wins, with the rest depending on what the new guys can do. If the new guys on the OL can come together we may get 9-10 wins.
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Gatorubet;1945280; said:
When you look a the 2011 Buckeyes and the talent and depth of the roster, where do your think you stand in that regard compared to the other 2011 Big-10 programs. I'm not talking your record at year's end, but purely the talent and depth you have compared to your conference brethren.

Who ranks in the top five, and by how big a margin?

If we are just talking depth of talent for the 85 scholarship players I was getting ready to say OSU is clearly way out in front of everyone else but then remembered I don't know shit about what Nebraska has overall talent wise.

Of the old B11 its OSU and everyone else, the gap is significant.
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Michigan used to have as much talent as OSU. JT and Lloyd made sure they became PSU, RR made sure they became MSU. Lloyd had plenty of underachieving talent, RR has a team with 3 starters that could start at OSU - WR Hemingway, Roundtree, DT Martin - none being as good as Posey or Simon. A few others like Lewan, Roh would play as backups.

Penn State used to be unbelievable, then they joined a real conference. It isn't just the big two either, Iowa absolutely owns them.

They are a lot like LSU, amazing DL, great corners and backers, very rough QB play, punishing backs, crazy head coach.

Wisconsin always relies on unheralded players and does well with them, largely because they control the point of attack.

Iowa is a poor man's Wisky and aren't true title contenders very often.

Michigan St is becoming the Ole Miss of the conference. Outclassed overall but talented and feisty enough to upset the apple cart. They also have more lax admission standards than most of the big ten. They just take a lot more chances.

Indiana and NW compete with big east and MAC schools for prospects.

Minn does too, and the very few prospects their state produces gets plucked. Laurinaitis, Floyd, Henderson. OSU just offered and might flip their 4 star WR verbal, who has decommitted.

Illinois can recruit but lack the sanity and focus to use it. The new assistants have really done well so far and Scheelhaase is a stud. We will see if they can take the next step.

Purdue actually has a fair share of NFL talent but their gimmick offense and lame history make people overlook it. They are still a second or third tier program, but they surprise most folks with their lineage.

As of now Nebraska is the only school in OSU's zipcode.

It is hard to compare the two with so much uncertainty around our 5 as well as their QB Martinez.
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jwinslow;1945313; said:
Michigan used to have as much talent as OSU. JT and Lloyd made sure they became PSU, RR made sure they became MSU. Lloyd had plenty of underachieving talent, RR has a team with 3 starters that could start at OSU - WR Hemingway, Roundtree, DT Martin - none being as good as Posey or Simon. A few others like Lewan, Roh would play as backups.

Penn State used to be unbelievable, then they joined a real conference. It isn't just the big two either, Iowa absolutely owns them.

They are a lot like LSU, amazing DL, great corners and backers, very rough QB play, punishing backs, crazy head coach.

Wisconsin always relies on unheralded players and does well with them, largely because they control the point of attack.

Iowa is a poor man's Wisky and aren't true title contenders very often.

Michigan St is becoming the Ole Miss of the conference. Outclassed overall but talented and feisty enough to upset the apple cart. They also have more lax admission standards than most of the big ten. They just take a lot more chances.

Indiana and NW compete with big east and MAC schools for prospects.

Minn does too, and the very few prospects their state produces gets plucked. Laurinaitis, Floyd, Henderson. OSU just offered and might flip their 4 star WR verbal, who has decommitted.

Illinois can recruit but lack the sanity and focus to use it. The new assistants have really done well so far and Scheelhaase is a stud. We will see if they can take the next step.

Purdue actually has a fair share of NFL talent but their gimmick offense and lame history make people overlook it. They are still a second or third tier program, but they surprise most folks with their lineage.

As of now Nebraska is the only school in OSU's zipcode.

It is hard to compare the two with so much uncertainty around our 5 as well as their QB Martinez.

I agree with the bolded part Josh, which is why it's one of the conference's oddities that Iowa has such a good record against Wisconsin of late. Just as odd as Wisconsin's relative success vs. tOSU.
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DaddyBigBucks;1945348; said:
I agree with the bolded part Josh, which is why it's one of the conference's oddities that Iowa has such a good record against Wisconsin of late. Just as odd as Wisconsin's relative success vs. tOSU.

When you have the biennial Coach of the Year, there is no oddity involved.
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One of my friends told me Coach Fickell went on stage at the Kenny Chesney concert this weekend for his song "Boys of the Fall". Thought that was pretty cool. Earning some street cred with the country folks.
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the Iowa coach is like McGiver....he can make a nuclear bomb with nothing more than a paper clip and a rubber band....much like Ferentz is doing with Iowa.....some big 'ol farm boys up front and some inner city speedsters from Tejas/Chicago......that's making something from nothing. OSU is expected to win every year by a large margin with the talent in the stable, so when they(we) do, it's ho-hum, business as usual.

Your post is very spot-on, but there's alot the Buckeye Nation takes for granted that the other schools do not enjoy.....

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calibuck;1945481; said:
the Iowa coach is like McGiver....he can make a nuclear bomb with nothing more than a paper clip and a rubber band....much like Ferentz is doing with Iowa.....some big 'ol farm boys up front and some inner city speedsters from Tejas/Chicago......that's making something from nothing. OSU is expected to win every year by a large margin with the talent in the stable, so when they(we) do, it's ho-hum, business as usual.

Your post is very spot-on, but there's alot the Buckeye Nation takes for granted that the other schools do not enjoy.....


Who the hell is McGiver? The head of charitable donation for McDonald's? Now, your post would make more sense if you used MacGyver as a comparison. :p
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Hasn't talked face to face with JT since Memorial Day.
Is very excited about this opportunity he was given.
He has had the interim tag taken off his title.
Has not talked to Pryor but wishes him luck in the NFL and wants him to graduate in the future.
Will not wear a vest on gameday as it is considered sacred in his mind.
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