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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b19Okcqu0o"]YouTube - ‪#1: Head Coach Luke Fickell Introductory Press Conference‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghz8L4atrUE"]YouTube - ‪#2: Head Coach Luke Fickell Introductory Press Conference‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM66SE-5RrY"]YouTube - ‪#3: Head Coach Luke Fickell Introductory Press Conference‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s_zclLfA50"]YouTube - ‪#4: Head Coach Luke Fickell Introductory Press Conference‬‏[/ame]
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ScriptOhio;1940391; said:
Fickell's long term fate could very well depend on his ability to attract outstanding assistant coaches that are compatable with is coaching style, etc.

That's why I don't even know if this is an apt view of his coaching ability, because if given the job, his 2012 staff could include upwards of seven new coaches. So it could be a completely different style (at least on offense).

I'd hope the administration would realize this (but who knows if they even care, since people argue that the decision to "Clean Break" may have already been made).
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Tlangs;1940393; said:
Cooper didn't even know have of the players names.

He was still a sucessfull head coach.

You may be surprised to know that Woody Hayes didn't know all his players names either. I lived in Smith Hall and Woody would visit the floor to check on some of his players. He came out of the elevator one evening and asked if so and so (i.e. Nick Roman, Dirk Warden, Rex Kern, Dave Cheney, Paul Schmidlin) were in their rooms. Well, we told him none of them were. We named another scholarship player that was. He goes "who?". We repeated the name, he looked at his clipboard, shook his head, and got back in the elevator. Needless to say we never let that guy forget that Woody didn't even know who he was. :biggrin: He was a defensive back and Paul Schmidlin's roommate.

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ScriptOhio;1940424; said:
OK, why do we want to lead the nation in TURNOVERS? I know he means "fewest turnovers".

No, he had it right...
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CONGERSBUCKEYE;1940376; said:
I still say this is one of the positives that come from a disaster. The only knock on Luke is experience as a Head Coach. How do you get that experience? By getting a chance or opportunity. Luke has paid his dues and deserve this shot. The other coaches in the Big Ten are all hoping Luke does not have a good year. Look at it from their perspective. An OSU grad (which 4 out of 6 in the 60 years have been) Ohio Boy that is even before his prime has his dream job (Tressel) handles this adversity will be JT2. Recruits will line up and other assistant coaches will line up. My other prediction is that Joe B wins the starting job and has a Craig K year. Senior year and without TP knows he is the man and just does not have to make mistakes. Braxton will get TP time like TP's Freshman year and mix things up.

Huh? We're on our 5th coach is 60 years now. Woody, Earle, Cooper, JT, now Fickell. Only two of those attended OSU (Earle and Fickell), not 4.
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CHU;1940409; said:
I'd hope the administration would realize this (but who knows if they even care, since people argue that the decision to "Clean Break" may have already been made).

Frankly the administration only cares about selling tickets. Winning does that.

So it's more up to us to realize this than them.
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ScriptOhio;1940424; said:
Re: And he said that Ohio State would aim to lead the nation in effort, turnovers and toughness.

OK, why do we want to lead the nation in TURNOVERS? I know he means "fewest turnovers".


I am sure this is some carryover from his defensive coordinator days where having a lot of turnovers is great. He has to get comfortable talking about the offense and the team as a whole when up at the podium.
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The Coaching Search: Luke Fickell

A lot of numbers and such if you are into that kind of thing after the introduction...

Luke Fickell was named Interim Head Coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes on May 30th, 2011. This was the brightest silver lining to the darkest cloud imaginable. That happened to be the same day that Jim Tressel formally resigned from the same position.

Years before this situation arose, many Buckeye fans had speculated about how the program would move forward from the Tressel era. Clearly continuing the on and off field success would be important. The name that continually came up in regards to a replacement (then believed to be stepping in once Tressel retired) was Fickell himself.

Much of the discussion regarding Fickell was firmly in the realm of wild speculation, though there were a number of factors that supported the belief. One of the biggest had to do with the success of the players who played for him. Names like AJ Hawk, Bobby Carpenter, James Larenitis, Marcus Freeman, and Anthony Schlegel roll across Buckeye fans' tongues with ease. All of them were possible due to Fickell's skill.

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Buckeyefrankmp;1940763; said:
I am sure this is some carryover from his defensive coordinator days where having a lot of turnovers is great. He has to get comfortable talking about the offense and the team as a whole when up at the podium.

I agree with your basic point, but I also have no problem with a defense-first attitude for the whole team this year. This team has lost its starting QB for the season and it's top WR and RB for the first five games. Heck, they're pretty thin/unproven at WR to begin with and may end up starting a true freshman QB from the first snap.

Defense is going to be where this team has to hang its hat.
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