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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

KingLeon;1940015; said:
One thing that is clearly evident: Fickell is going to be doing things his own way and he is a completely different person than Tressel.

I love his passion. Hopefully that passion will translate to being a great coach. He has a great chance of earning this job.

I think he earned it. He just has to keep it now.
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From a MI perspesctive Fickell is a great choice. In the years to come I may not like watching his teams spanks us, but he will have my respect for basically telling TP to go pound sand.

Well done Coach Fickell!!!
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I'm fully behind the head coach. I like him personally and I hope he is wildly succesful.

How he did at the presser depends on who you are. I thought he was robotic, too guarded, and too rehearsed. At least we know the PR people are doing something! He did stay on message and communicate his limited points well.

Perhaps the limited approach was the best, but I wanted him to come out and "our honor defend". He was served up the perfect opportunity by the AP guy, Rusty something or the other, when asked about perception vs. reality and when asked about what changes there would be in making sure the program is complying with NCAA rules. He could have said that he expects every player and coach to conduct themselves in a way that is above reproach, shows respect to the program and univ., and never does anything to tarnish the reputation of either - that he would have zero tolerance for anyone who does. Then he could put the known violations into the context of being abberations in the program, not the standard operating procedure.

Because he didn't really address those things in definite terms, it leaves open the questions as to whether he will do anything different, and that perhaps he can't defend that the program has been clean (known violations not withstanding) because it hasn't been.

I can see where the PR people would want to make sure no harm was done - and they accomplished that - but it terms of beginning to recover the integrity and reputation of the program, no good was done either. And being guarded can be interpreted as hiding something. I would sense that our head coach needs to speak to these issues with specificity, from the heart, with conviction, and with as much transparency as possible.
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bassbuckeye07;1940144; said:
He did admit TP called him and he wasnt able to get back to him....many folks that cover Ohio State are saying he so much has said he didnt want him around

In a very polite way he did so, I thought it was top notch move by him. saying no one palyer is bigger than OSU.
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I think it's nice for ESPN to put up a poll basically asking if Luke Fickell lied at his opening press conference (to immediately try to discredit the coach).

"Do you believe Ohio St. interim football coach Luke Fickell when he says he was unaware of rules violations under Jim Tressel?"

Most of the sporting world is against OSU right now, what do you think the poll was going to say (it's 75-25)?
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CHU;1940168; said:
I think it's nice for ESPN to put up a poll basically asking if Luke Fickell lied at his opening press conference (to immediately try to discredit the coach).

"Do you believe Ohio St. interim football coach Luke Fickell when he says he was unaware of rules violations under Jim Tressel?"

Most of the sporting world is against OSU right now, what do you think the poll was going to say (it's 75-25)?

We all understand the "game" ESPiN is playing. Like John Saunders asking about the taking the 2002 National Championship away.
It's just the way ESPiN is going. They want to rule the college football world with their coverage and politics. Every move they have made is just part of their overall plans. This is not some alien conspiracy plot, it's a logical money move for them. Control the talk. Control the coverage and control money. The BTN and Ohio State are a threat to their plans.
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Taosman;1940183; said:
We all understand the "game" ESPiN is playing. Like John Saunders asking about the taking the 2002 National Championship away.
It's just the way ESPiN is going. They want to rule the college football world with their coverage and politics. Every move they have made is just part of their overall plans. This is not some alien conspiracy plot, it's a logical money move for them. Control the talk. Control the coverage and control money. The BTN and Ohio State are a threat to their plans.

They probably won't touch Oregon either since Nike is a big advertiser with them.
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Taosman;1940183; said:
We all understand the "game" ESPiN is playing. Like John Saunders asking about the taking the 2002 National Championship away.
It's just the way ESPiN is going. They want to rule the college football world with their coverage and politics. Every move they have made is just part of their overall plans. This is not some alien conspiracy plot, it's a logical money move for them. Control the talk. Control the coverage and control money. The BTN and Ohio State are a threat to their plans.

I would agree with this but I dont see them going after Auburn or another SEC (CBS) school like they are gunning for us. Fuckers have been on us since JT got here trying to prove that "no one could be that nice in this sport" type of thing. They stuck around til something came out and now they are never going to leave. I say Fuck ESPiN. Dont ever let them around this program again. Stick to your guns!!
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Bestbuck36;1940205; said:
I say [censored] ESPiN. Dont ever let them around this program again. Stick to your guns!!

I don't think it matters if they're there, with their "reporters".

Schad and Bennett were there yesterday and didn't ask one question. I mean, a Lantern reporter got questions in.
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Bestbuck36;1940205; said:
I say Fuck ESPiN. Dont ever let them around this program again. Stick to your guns!!

Off-topic, but I've been against ESPN since the 2005 game against Texas. Ohio State finally let them on campus for Gameday (the rumor I heard was that Gameday wanted to be in Columbus for something in 2004, but I can't think of why, and Andy Geiger told them to go jump in a lake), and ESPN has what's-his-name and Desmond Howard since "Hail to the Victors". You couldn't pay homage to the so-called "greatest fight song in the country" (I still argue against that title) the week before? Or the week after?
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One of my main concerns when thinking about Tressel's successor was that the successor place the same importance on The Game as did Tressel. I was very sceptical that we'd ever get someone like that, but luckily I was wrong and my concern is now unfounded. scUM fans was have been dancing in the streets when Tressel resigned, but I think Fickell will get them back onto the sidewalk come Nov 26...
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