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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

Well, one thing is for sure, Coach Fickell has a tough row to hoe this year.

I think - again, all things considered - that a 9 win season would be a very good job in 2011.

AT Miami, AT Nebraska, AT scum, along with Sparty, Wisconsin and PennSt at home isn't the friendliest schedule. Split those games and win the rest gets you to 9 wins and a decent bowl game.

I think if I were in y'alls shoes, I'd take it, but it wouldn't surprise me even a little if the PTBs wanted a fresh start from the Tressel era.
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SmoovP;1941395; said:
Well, one thing is for sure, Coach Fickell has a tough row to hoe this year.

I think - again, all things considered - that a 9 win season would be a very good job in 2011.

AT Miami, AT Nebraska, AT scum, along with Sparty, Wisconsin and PennSt at home isn't the friendliest schedule. Split those games and win the rest gets you to 9 wins and a decent bowl game.

I think if I were in y'alls shoes, I'd take it, but it wouldn't surprise me even a little if the PTBs wanted a fresh start from the Tressel era.

You do have to understand that the normal expectations in Columbus wouldn't "just take" a 9-3 or 9-4 season. Understanding the circumstances changes the rational fans expectations a bit, but with the way the defense has been year in and year out and the fact that we do have some expirience behind Herron in the stable, The way the schedule sets up is actually better than people think. 2 home games against well inferior talent at home, then go to Miami (who is also debuting a new coach) in a not as hostile environment. The biggest challenge I see is the 3 game set right in the middle (MSU/at NEB/ at ILL). Winning 2 of those sets up a run at a 10-11 win season for sure. PSU and Wisky are down from the usual, and then there is the game at scUM. Luke has the players on his side, they have a potential cancer gone in TP, and they are all hungry due to the open tryout style going into the fall. I expect big things this year.
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You always have to consider who the W's and L's come against and what kind of W/L they are.

My guess is a 10 win regular season with one being over scUM gets the interim tag removed. Anything south of 10 and/or a loss in The Game and he should worry.

9 wins and applying the plunger to scUM would be an interesting scenario.
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WolverineMike;1941422; said:
How low do you think the W total would have to be, WITH a win over Michigan, for him to NOT be hired full time?

9's pushing it imo.

Ask Earl.


8 or less and he has little chance if you ask me
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I'd say it depends on where the losses are in the schedule, and who they are against.

8 wins, concluding with a win at Michigan and most losses coming very close would be livable in my book - especially if you were seeing dramatic improvement near the end of the year.

Not only is it Luke's first year, but he's without 4 starters for 5 games, and a brand new QB. That is a lot to go up against.

7 wins - even if a win is against Michigan - and there's no way we don't look elsewhere.

10 wins against anyone, and he stays, IMO. Would love to see a 10-win season and a win against SCUM.
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The win total that's the measuring stick needs to be defined in terms of whether or not tOSU is allowed to have postseason play this year. It's possible that tOSU won't get a postseason ban, and it's possible that one will be handed to tOSU but won't go into effect until the 2012 season.

8 wins probably won't be enough, even with a win at TSUN. 11 wins should be enough, even if there are 3 losses (14 games means a CCG and a bowl game).

If it's 9 or 10 wins, I think the overall season needs to looked at in detail.

Probably not good enough to be offered the job full time, if I were AD:
8-4 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG or bowl appearance.

8-4 with a win at TSUN, no CCG or bowl appearance.

9-3 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG or bowl appearance.

9-4 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl loss

9-4 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl win

9-5 with a win at TSUN, a CCG loss, and a bowl loss

Good enough to be considered:
9-3 with a win at TSUN, no CCG or bowl appearance.

9-4 with a win at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl win.

9-4 with a win at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl loss.

10-2 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG or bowl game.

10-3 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl loss.

10-3 with a loss at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl win.

10-3 with a win at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl loss.

10-3 with a win at TSUN, no CCG appearance and a bowl win..

10-4 with a loss at TSUN, a CCG loss, and a bowl loss.

10-4 with a win at TSUN, a CCG loss, and a bowl loss.

10-4 with a loss at TSUN, a CCG loss, and a bowl win.

10-4 with a win at TSUN, a CCG loss, and a bowl win.

10-4 with a loss at TSUN, a CCG win (B1G Title) and a bowl loss.

10-4 with a win at TSUN, a CCG win (B1G Title) and a bowl loss.

10-4 with a loss at TSUN, a CCG win (B1G Title) and a bowl win.

10-4 with a win at TSUN, a CCG win (B1G Title) and a bowl win.

I'll be hoping they stick with him in these circumstances:
10-2 with a win at TSUN, no CCG or bowl appearance

10-3 with a win at TSUN, no CCG and a bowl loss

10-3 with a win at TSUN, no CCG, and a bowl win

11 wins in any circumstances
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The basketball team did play in the Big Ten BBall Tourney during the 04-05 season (when they self-imposed a postseason ban), but playing in a B1GCG would be more bad publicity if OSU won.
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Jaxbuck;1941477; said:
I have a hard time picturing a scenario where he loses to scUM and gets the job.

Barring Brady Hoke Performing a miracle and turning the wreck around in one year... you're on the money.

Losing to Michigan is the double edged sword... rivarly game... and they're not good.

The other thing is, of course that if things are rocky, it's important to see improvement throughout the year... and they are the last game of the season.

So, one thing if they edge you out in week 2 with a new QB and things aren't in order yet. It's another to lose to them when you have a major talent advantage and have had time to work through things.

I think a 9-3 regular season with a w vs Michigan is the bottom end of the range.... and even at that, you better hope all the losses are on the road.

Honestly, I think Tress goes 10-2 with this group... and really you need to see him do at least that well, because the real issue isn't so much what he can do with these guys, it's if he can keep getting good guys and developing them.

Anyone is going to win a lot of games here for the next 2 or 3 years... its whether you feel like he can keep it going.
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One of the things that we haven't discussed is that Tressel was a very, very powerful man at OSU. Arguably the most powerful man on campus.

His departure creates a power vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum.

There are a lot of people that will be jockeying for position to claim a share of that power.

All Coach Fickell can do is worry about what he can control - and honestly, it isn't that much. Team preparation is about it.

With all that is churning around the program, all the distractions, all the controversies, all the departures, a nine win season looks like about the ceiling to me.

I'm guessing that the people in charge of deciding these things will want to start with a clean slate and an entirely new coaching staff in an effort to claim some of Tressel's power and put their own stamp on the program.

I'd be shocked if he is the coach next season regardless of the W/L record.

However, Coach Fickell can make things very difficult for them by winning 11 games and beating Michigan, but that's going to be a tall order.
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