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DT Garrett "The Gladiator" Goebel (official thread)

XPUNISHR;1056977; said:
That was exactly what came to my mind after learning of Garrett's loss. I'll bet the farm he will not lose again & also predict he will pin all of his remaining30+ opponents (except for maybe two of the thirty)

BTW - I have NEVER seen Garrett wrestle so poorly in his previous 250+ matches I have witnessed since he was in 3rd grade. But every dog has his day & Sat. it was Thompson.

What a difference seven days can make!!!
Garrett Goebel wins in dominating fashion @ Wisc. "Cheesehead Invite" (20 teams from Midwest) pinning all five opponents in total time of 3:30 (:42 sec. average, w/ his fastest pin :08 sec.). Breaks his own tournament record of pinning his way thru finals for 3rd year in a row!!

*** A shame that Eric Thompson / Iowa Waverly H.S. did not attend.
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XPUNISHR;1064349; said:
What a difference seven days can make!!!
Garrett Goebel wins in dominating fashion @ Wisc. "Cheesehead Invite" (32 teams from Midwest) pinning all five opponents in total time of 3:30 (:42 sec. average, w/ his fastest pin :08 sec.). Breaks his own tournament record of pinning his way thru finals for 3rd year in a row!!

*** A shame that Eric Thompson / Iowa Waverly H.S. did not attend.

8 seconds?????? (had to go bold to compete with XP)... thats amazing. Congrats to GG.
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[quote='BusNative;106435;4]8 seconds?????? (had to go bold to compete with XP)... thats amazing. Congrats to GG.[/quote]

Yes! And I can't wait to see him pin the Juice and whoever the richrod gets to spread his runs in 8 seconds, too. Go GG!
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Thanks for the updates XPUNISHR, my only concern is his conditioning :biggrin: It sounds like he took his frustration from his recent loss out on not only one, but many opponents. It seems like GG has a great attitude and killer instinct that should translate well onto the gridiron,
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GrizzlyBuck;1064558; said:
Thanks for the updates XPUNISHR, my only concern is his conditioning :biggrin: It sounds like he took his frustration from his recent loss out on not only one, but many opponents. It seems like GG has a great attitude and killer instinct that should translate well onto the gridiron,

He is working on his stamina / conditioning much more now that he has bolstered his strength.In 6 weeks he will resume speed camp so when he arrives in Columbus this summer he will be as physically & mentally prepared as a rookie can be......I can assure you of this.
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Oneshot;1064787; said:
Please, no. Need tackles. Need them now.

Darn straight...I see Goebel and Rowell staying at DT, with Mobley hopefully developing into at least a DE/DT combo. Not to mention I think all of Garrett's attributes best suit him at DT...excellent leverage and penetration on run support, not to mention he can pressure the QB well. I can't wait to see Garrett play.
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XPUNISHR;1064630; said:
He is working on his stamina / conditioning much more now that he has bolstered his strength.In 6 weeks he will resume speed camp so when he arrives in Columbus this summer he will be as physically & mentally prepared as a rookie can be......I can assure you of this.

Thanks for the reply X, its great to know how serious GG takes his strength and conditioning. I was sort of joking about GG's short wrestling matches not giving him enough cardio work :biggrin: It is great to hear how he is just punishing (pun intended) his opposition this year.
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RB07OSU;1064800; said:
Darn straight...I see Goebel and Rowell staying at DT, with Mobley hopefully developing into at least a DE/DT combo. Not to mention I think all of Garrett's attributes best suit him at DT...excellent leverage and penetration on run support, not to mention he can pressure the QB well. I can't wait to see Garrett play.
And his background as one of the best wrestlers in the nation also suits a DT.
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Sportsbuck28;1064819; said:
And his background as one of the best wrestlers in the nation also suits a DT.

Sure doesn't...one less thing you will have to teach Garrett is leverage. It's apparent in watching his wrestling videos and football highlights that he really understands technique and leverage. I was blown away at how polished Garrett was in his senior football highlights. I think you could see Garrett get PT quick because of that excellent tecnhique, learning quickly, and obviously his physical ability.
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OregonBuckeye;1064788; said:
How big is Garrett these days? What's his goal by the time he arrives at tOSU?

Garrett currently fluctuates between 275 - 280 and plans to add "lean muscle mass" before OSU arrival. How this effects his weight I cannot tell you other than if his weight remains same then I GUARANTEE his % of body fat will have decreased. He does not just want to "bulk up" but add quality weight / or lose unneeded fat. He realizes he will soon be facing the greatest athletic challenges of his lifetime.
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i got a funny story, i work at officemax is south bend and ND recruit Sean Cwynar Sean Cwynar - Football Recruiting came in to buy a 19" HP monitor well i started to talk to him and told him i follow recuiting and saw him in the army all-american game the i mention that i was a OSU fan and i asked him if he meet Garrett Goebel and hes was like "yeah..." didnt say a word after that, payed and then left officemax lol, he figured out that i knew Garrett smacked him around haha. i should have asked him how he faired against Mike Adams in the AA practices but that might be a little mean! lol
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