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DT Garrett "The Gladiator" Goebel (official thread)

Buckskin86;1038790; said:
Athletes of the Week, 12-25-2007
ChicagoSports.com's top prep performers chosen from your nominations
Athletes of the Week, 12-25-2007 on ChicagoSports.com

Toyota Athlete of the Week
Garrett Goebel, Montini: Was named the outstanding wrestler Saturday at the Al Dvorak Memorial tournament, one of the state's top regular season competitions. Goebel won each of this matches in tournament by pin to win the heavyweight title. He is 19-0 for the season, with 17 pins, and has had only one point scored against him all season. More on WBBM780.com

WBBM 780 - Chicago's #1 source for local news, traffic and weather - *
Who had the best week? Note: This poll does not determine the winner of the Toyota Athlete of the Week.
Jeff Adams, Lyons Township (75 responses)
Monica Albano, Trinity (3 responses)
Matthias Burns, Noble Street (4 responses)
Kylie Castans, Schaumburg (6 responses)
Garrett Goebel, Montini: (621 responses)
Chris Spangler, Neuqua Valley (3 responses)
Sean Stanley, New Trier (5 responses)
Steve Zimmerman, St. Rita (9 responses)
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Napoleonbuck;1039844; said:
Really a great lineman in the Quinn Pitcock mold.

I'm not 100% sure but I don't think Pitcock wrestled in High School. I'd say Goebel is in the Tim Anderson/Dexter Larimore mold (all everything high school wrestlers) with Pitcock's athletic ability. Either way, he's the next in line in a series of good/great defensive tackles at tOSU that has allowed (and will continue to allow) us to have one of the best defenses in the country every single year. My favorite thing about great DT's is that it frees up our LB's so that we can continue to be the real Linebacker U.
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I think Goebel will have a game similar to Pitcock's.

I think he plays with a high motor, and he's more of a pass rushing DT at this point than he is a run stopper.

I just think Goebel will have a knack for getting after the quarterback much like Pitcock did.
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The Clash | Top-ranked heavyweights to do battle Saturday
1/5/2008 1:25:56 AM
By Ben Pherson
Post-Bulletin, Rochester MN

Montini Catholic (Ill.) senior wrestler Garrett Goebel is listed as the No. 1-ranked heavyweight in the country by Intermat. He's ranked No. 3 in the country by Amateur Wrestling News, is an Illinois state champion and hasn't lost a match in more than a year.

Despite his impressive resume, Goebel won't be wrestling this time next year.

Instead, he hopes to be focused on winning a national championship in another sport.

Goebel has accepted a full-ride scholarship to play football next year at The Ohio State University, which will play for the national championship tonight in New Orleans.

In addition to being arguably the top heavyweight wrestler in the country, Goebel is considered one of the best football prospects in the nation. Most recruiting Web sites list him among the nation's top 50 overall recruits, and scout.com lists him as the fourth-best defensive tackle in high school football.

Not bad for a kid who didn't even try on shoulder pads until he was a freshman.

Goebel had always been a wrestler, but prior to his freshman season friends and family convinced him to try a new sport. He went out for football and learned quickly.

"Wrestling helped me with football, with the footwork and the balance and strength," said Goebel, who is in Rochester this weekend wrestling at The Clash National Wrestling Duals. "My dad was a big help, too. He was the d-line coach."

Just how good is Goebel on the wrestling mat? He ripped through his opponents with ease Friday at UCR Regional Sports Center. Goebel won all three matches by pinfall in less than 45 seconds. There is a big match on the horizon, though. Goebel will meet Waverly-Shell Rock (Iowa) heavyweight Eric Thompson on Saturday. Thompson is ranked No. 1 in the only national poll that doesn't list Goebel in that spot.

"I don't pay too much attention to rankings, but I'm excited for that one," Goebel said.

"I liked everything about Ohio State -- the coaches, the facility, the guys. It was where I wanted to be," Goebel said.

Postbulletin.com: The Clash | Top-ranked heavyweights to do battle Saturday - Sat, Jan 5, 2008
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There is a big match on the horizon, though. Goebel will meet Waverly-Shell Rock (Iowa) heavyweight Eric Thompson on Saturday. Thompson is ranked No. 1 in the only national poll that doesn't list Goebel in that spot.
Goebel lost his first match of the year to Thompson. He lost 6-4, reports say he looked pretty gassed, I guess that happens though when 95% of your matches only last 30 seconds.

Eric Thompson of Waverly-Shell Rock scored three takedowns to defeat Montini's Garrett Goebel 6-3 in a battle of two of the nation's top heavies. Thompson, ranked #1 by AWN, countered a footsweep attempt on Goebel, ranked #1 by InterMat, for his first takedown, scored again in the second with a driving double leg and in the third (after starting neutral), scored again. The W-SR crowd cheered mightily as Thompson shot his arms skyward, signifying #1.
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Heavyweight title

In a battle of two top-ranked heavyweights, Eric Thompson of Waverly-Shell Rock won a 6-3 decision over Montini Catholic's Garrett Goebel.

Thompson, who will wrestle at Iowa State next season, scored a first-period takedown after a failed foot-sweep attempt by Goebel.

Goebel, who will play football at Ohio State next season, escaped and the two big men postured for the remainder of the first period. Goebel started in the down position to start the second, and he needed only eight seconds to escape.

Later in the period, Thompson secured a double-leg takedown and was able to ride out Goebel for the remainder of the second.

Thompson earned his third takedown in the third, and Goebel never seriously threatened. After the match ended, Thompson threw his arms in the air and received a standing ovation from the Waverly-Shell Rock fans.

Goebel entered the match ranked No. 1 by Intermat, while Thompson was ranked No. 1 by Amateur Wrestling News.

Postbulletin.com: Lights out -- The Clash goes dark - Mon, Jan 7, 2008
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HineyBuck;1052962; said:
Tough loss for the Gladiator. I would not want to be his next opponent.
That was exactly what came to my mind after learning of Garrett's loss. I'll bet the farm he will not lose again & also predict he will pin all of his remaining30+ opponents (except for maybe two of the thirty)

BTW - I have NEVER seen Garrett wrestle so poorly in his previous 250+ matches I have witnessed since he was in 3rd grade. But every dog has his day & Sat. it was Thompson.
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XPUNISHR;1056977; said:
That was exactly what came to my mind after learning of Garrett's loss. I'll bet the farm he will not lose again & also predict he will pin all of his remaining30+ opponents (except for maybe two of the thirty)

BTW - I have NEVER seen Garrett wrestle so poorly in his previous 250+ matches I have witnessed since he was in 3rd grade. But every dog has his day & Sat. it was Thompson.

Remember this, XP: Even a broken clock is right twice a day! :biggrin:
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