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DT Adolphus "Diesel" Washington (Official Thread)

k2onprimetime;1938956; said:
Those idiots think they lead for every recruit they offer.

Yeah I'm skeptical of some of the info that trickles down from there, and also why I'm asking here.

The rumor from them seems to be that Michigan didn't take Sevon Pittman's commitment (sounds iffy) because of grades (more iffy) and because they feel good about the chances of landing Adolphus Washington (most iffy).

Are there any recent articles or tidbits that refute these claims (feel free to PM me)?
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NDqbsRoverated;1938988; said:
Yeah I'm skeptical of some of the info that trickles down from there, and also why I'm asking here.

The rumor from them seems to be that Michigan didn't take Sevon Pittman's commitment (sounds iffy) because of grades (more iffy) and because they feel good about the chances of landing Adolphus Washington (most iffy).

Are there any recent articles or tidbits that refute these claims (feel free to PM me)?
That's from Bill Greene actually, although there is a growing confidence in Michigan circles about Washington.
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NDqbsRoverated;1938988; said:
Yeah I'm skeptical of some of the info that trickles down from there, and also why I'm asking here.

The rumor from them seems to be that Michigan didn't take Sevon Pittman's commitment (sounds iffy) because of grades (more iffy) and because they feel good about the chances of landing Adolphus Washington (most iffy).

Are there any recent articles or tidbits that refute these claims (feel free to PM me)?

You will find any scrap of legit info is posted on BP, regardless of if it's pro or con. BTW, your welling up memories of 2007, we had Joe Barksdale, Anthony Davis (Rutgers) Josh Brent (Illi), Devin Still (PSU), and several others all visit for "The Game". All were considered heavy OSU leans, and we got no one:biggrin:
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Trio of DEs land in overall top 10 - ESPN

Adolphus Washington (Cincinnati/Taft)
6-4, 251
College: Undeclared

This four-star end is a talented enough prospect to make the ESPNU 150, but you need to keep an eye on him because he is still a bit raw and it seems his best football is very much ahead of him. This is a good-sized kid who still possesses physical upside. He displays good initial quickness and runs well. When he keeps his pads down and uses his hands and reach to his advantage, he can be very tough to handle, whether he is defending the run or hunting down quarterbacks. Washington is a prospect with a lot of physical tools, but he can rely on those too much at times to get by and needs to keep working on the little things in his game. If he can begin to meld his raw abilities with more consistent technique, he has the physical tools to be a very good and disruptive college defender.
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JNewberg24;1949117; said:
Hearing that Adolphus' Top 5 in no order are Miami, Kentucky, Michigan, Michigan St and Alabama. This is from his father apparently. No clue on how accurate this is. Just passing it along.
heard the same on All BEts are off. Miami is the only one offering/saying he/Stanford could play both football and basketball. Matta help us out
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