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I would download the DVD image files. Those are much easier to burn.
If you're still getting NAT errors it is because the port you are using isn't open on your router. You will have to go into your router settings and fix that yourself. I downloaded all the games with the port not open so it shouldn't affect you very much. I didn't do the 95 ND game, but I have never had any problems with video files being protected.
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EH, I wonder if it has to do with the file being an OSU product... Buckeye's Greatest Games... It plays beautifully on my computer and that satisfies my immediate concern, but I'd like to be able to burn it and get it off my hard drive some time in the future.

I've now got about five files that I'm trying to download. Sometimes it goes fast, sometimes it's like following that old lady in the Plymouth Duster when you need to get somewhere fast.
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Sometimes it goes fast, sometimes it's like following that old lady in the Plymouth Duster when you need to get somewhere fast.<!-- / message -->

That is what you will have when dealing with Torrents............because you are at the mercy of not only how many people are seeding it, but how much of their bandwidth is available.
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