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bit torrent client = Azureus, Cinci.

GOT IT!!! Finally figured this sucker out and can see it as it's being burned onto the disc. Looks like it's going to take 3 or 4 discs to record the game despite the fact that the blank discs say they hold 4.7 Gigs. How come? Program told tme to burn the project on one 9X blank. Went to Staples and couldn't find such an animal. What do you guys use?

THANKS to all who responded.
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GOT IT!!! Finally figured this sucker out and can see it as it's being burned onto the disc. Looks like it's going to take 3 or 4 discs to record the game despite the fact that the blank discs say they hold 4.7 Gigs. How come? Program told tme to burn the project on one 9X blank. Went to Staples and couldn't find such an animal. What do you guys use?

THANKS to all who responded.

Geez Louise - that should NOT be happening.

Are you trying to re-author or just burn the .ISO file to DVD=/- R discs?

The former may end up with odd size increases, the latter will keep the original filesize as dictated by TimBuck2 (or me or Rock3tman).

EDIT - I see we have now jwins, myself and Bmax covered every possible instance for this oddity ..

The first burn is always the hardest - thankfully it all gets to be simple from then on.
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burning a copy of the Mich game

Hey, first of all, this rookie really appreciates the fact that youse guys are taking the time to help even though I don't know what the hell you're talking about half the time.

I finally got the first disc burned. It played the pre-game BS and ended right after the Wells' fumble. I finished a second burn while watching the first and will test it out this morning... I could see that it went to the end of the game.

1. I'm using Azureieus(sp) What do you use and why?

2. I take it that 1, uno, ein, one 4.7GB disc should take in this whole file, zat so?

3. I'm pretty sure that I hit the DVD burner (external) and not the CD burner (internal). Well, OK, it's not a question, but since you guys mentioned it...

4a. Assuming that having used port 6881 to download the game explains why it took me 21/2 days to download. How long does it take you guys to download a game?
4b. and if you had a choice between a game recording at 3.75 GB and one at 1.35GB which would you choose. I choose the bigger file thinking that better accuity would follow.

5. The game looks great except when they pass or kickoff, or do real long camera shots... then I get a lot of ghosting (multiple and/or fuzzy images) is this par for the course?

I've now changed my port number from 6881 to 16881

Again, Thanks,

Geez Louise - that should NOT be happening.

Are you trying to re-author or just burn the .ISO file to DVD=/- R discs?

The former may end up with odd size increases, the latter will keep the original filesize as dictated by TimBuck2 (or me or Rock3tman).

EDIT - I see we have now jwins, myself and Bmax covered every possible instance for this oddity ..

The first burn is always the hardest - thankfully it all gets to be simple from then on.
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What are you using to burn this? You have simply got to be doing something wrong. :biggrin: It sounds to me like you're somehow authoring before burning, which is maybe compressing it, it wanting you to burn on cd's, and that would also explain the ghosting.
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Can you by chance tell me how large the file is that you downloaded? If you right click on it, go to properties, should tell you.
The Azure stats chart tells me it's 3.85 GB.

I watched the second half and its still jumpy on pass plays. Watchable, but no where near broadcast quality. I'm watching it on an HD and playing it through a DVD up machine.

I started to download the 95 Notre Dame game and made the change to 16881 as my port and it seemed to be downloading very quickly, then it pooped out just short of 1 GB and I'm giving it time to see if it re-connects.
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This (attempting to download games) is quickly becoming somthing less than fun.

I tried to change my port number from 6881 to 16881... I still get slow going and NAT error reminders. How do I find a list of port numbers to use for this?
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I have never changed a port for Azureus, or any bit torrent client for that matter. You arent going to get them super fast, as it basically just depends on how many people are sharing it at the time. I invested in a vid capture card and a dvd burner for a totally seperate machine that I use only for vid capturing. Can capture the games, edit the comercials the way I want to, burn it.........much easier :biggrin:

Edit: Not that I dont appreciate those that do capture the games and put em up for download.
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I think this entire process needs to be simplified or unified, or something. I've been getting an awful lot of pm's regarding how to download the games, how to burn them, etc. etc. I made a thread in mili's video section which is basically a working guide for all those people new to this stuff. I'll update that whenever I get some free time, but I'll need some help from Timbuck2 and others.

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I think this entire process needs to be simplified or unified, or something. I've been getting an awful lot of pm's regarding how to download the games, how to burn them, etc. etc. I made a thread in mili's video section which is basically a working guide for all those people new to this stuff. I'll update that whenever I get some free time, but I'll need some help from Timbuck2 and others."

I reiterate how grateful I am that you guys take the time to post this stuff... that said, the directions are out of my league... I know my way around XP and can hack my way through web page creation at the yahoo-geocity level, but this is beyond me. I'm now on 1 week at trying to download the 95 ND game and have one gig of a four gig file to show for it. I don't mind the wait if it works, but there's got to be something I'm doing wrong and I can't get answers... and I find no mention of Mili's video section anywhere on BP or Milli's CP. I've printed out the instructions from Pirates Bay (thank God the wife doesn't get on this computer) but I don't understand half of what is said and the other half makes no change in the performance. Color me gratefully frustrated.
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Arrrrghhhh!!!! I had just about given up on this project. I shut it down after running for more than a week and downloading only half of the 95 ND game. Then, in exasperation, I decided to put a whole bunch of games that I wanted on the "to do" list. The thing took off and is downloading games at a prodigious rate. My heart soared like a hawk (see Chief Dan George, Little Big Man). I soon had all of 95 downloaded and ready to burn. I load it into Nero and up comes the message that this stuff is protected by a patent and can't be copied! Is this so?

Going back and retrying. Despearte in Cincinnati.
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