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You kids stay off my lawn!
I went to Timbuk2's site and downloaded the Michigan game. I went out and bought a Sony DVD burner in anticipation. 2 days later the file was downloaded and I fired up the burner and find that the program, Nero, doesn't accept the bit torrent (whatever that is) format. SO how do I get the file from my hard drive to a DVD? Anyone else done this?
That's the start of the problem. As near as I can tell it is simply listed as a "bittorrent" file.

You're using the wrong file Timbuck's file is either an avi or dvd image file. You are trying to open the torrent file which is just what your client uses to download the real file. You need to find the folder where your client stores the real files.
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you probably didn't notice where it saved it the first time. Simply download open another torrent file, and see what folder it tries to save it in. Most likely, the previously downloaded game will be located there.
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Why rookies shouldn't try and do this shit: I tied up my computer for 2 and 1/2 days in what I thought was the painstaking process of downloading the OSU - Mich game. I went to Azurisfrog something or other and downloaded a program that told me I was getting the game. I now have a file of 38K size.... which seems to be well short of the 3.45 gig file I thought I was downloading... in a format I can't match in Nero or VCL.

Now can you tell me in words and actions that someone who knows how to e-mail, webpage and wordprocess would understand what the hell I did wrong and how to solve it?

I've read the stuff Rocketman and Timbuk have put out and it don't mean squat to me. I did check out my router and my firewall and the problem is not there.

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Open your bit torent client and right click on the file where it should be seeding for other people to download. There should be something for details or properties or something like that. Click on it and it should tell you where you saved the file. When you right click on the file in the BT client there should be a tab for open file. That will let you view the video. Basically you need to find where your computer is saving the files that you download.
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I am sure you downloaded it, but it probably downloaded into a folder elsewhere. Maybe start by looking where that bit torrent software installed itself. Probably under program files. Next, check my documents, cause sometimes they download into there. Usually when you start the download, it will ask you where you want to download it to.

Not to me mean, but if you can figure that out you need to throw away your computer and just tape the games on VHS.

OUCH, that was a shot! You would never make it in the customer service world man, cause lemme tell ya, this guy knows far and away more than most people. He can actually form a complete sentence :biggrin:
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I am sure you downloaded it, but it probably downloaded into a folder elsewhere. Maybe start by looking where that bit torrent software installed itself. Probably under program files. Next, check my documents, cause sometimes they download into there. Usually when you start the download, it will ask you where you want to download it to.

OUCH, that was a shot! You would never make it in the customer service world man, cause lemme tell ya, this guy knows far and away more than most people. He can actually form a complete sentence :biggrin:

I'm sure I deal with worse than cinci on a daily basis because some of my clients are the biggest dumbasses that my company has. I was hoping to give him a kick in the ass to figure it out.

Ok let me go back and change can to can't.
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Open your bit torent client and right click on the file where it should be seeding for other people to download. There should be something for details or properties or something like that. Click on it and it should tell you where you saved the file. When you right click on the file in the BT client there should be a tab for open file. That will let you view the video. Basically you need to find where your computer is saving the files that you download.

OK, Je n'parle 'computeresse' pas. What/who is my bit torrent client? I think I can do a simple file search and find the lone video file... but I think it saved in a folder I created, "Buckeyes 05" or "My Download Files" under the "My Documents" umbrella.
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