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Do you like the new jerseys?

Do you like the new jerseys

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  • Poll closed .
I liked the way the poll was worded - do you like them - plain and simple.

I would have preferred that the gray stripes stay on the sleeves, but I'm willing to trade that for the tighter fitting material.

And the first time a tackler gets a handful of air as a Buckeye heads for the end zone, a lot more folks will be happy with the new jerseys. :biggrin:
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love the new jerseys

I love the new jerseys. its classic, simple and with the pants and helmet, look NOTHING like wisconsin or Nebraska. Also tedd Ginn looks pretty much the same scarlet blur if he is in the old jerseys or the new.
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from the stands, or on TV (outside of closeups), I think they are going to look like wisconsin. I have added a black stripe to these jerseys, but due to it's tiny width, it is very hard to see. I think this is a pretty fair mockup, other than the wrinkled numbers.

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I figured you did, it is just the jersey looks like a sharper red than the ones that are on the two players.
actually I meant after your comment, I made the scarlet brighter, and saved over the web image. The game is also overcast, so I would not expect the jersey to be much brighter than that. However the one JT is holding looks pink it's so washed out with the flash... I do think the jersey will be brilliant scarlet.
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actually I meant after your comment, I made the scarlet brighter, and saved over the web image. The game is also overcast, so I would not expect the jersey to be much brighter than that. However the one JT is holding looks pink it's so washed out with the flash... I do think the jersey will be brilliant scarlet.

I c now. I don't think they look bad. It is going to be interesting to see them on, I think people are going to like them when they see them on.
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