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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Taosman said:
610 bench! And 4.5 speed! All he has to do is stay healthy. He's gonna make himself some big NFL money!
4.5 speed? Where did this stat come from? Are you thinking about the April Fool's Day post about the 350 pound lineman in the South Pacific?

If Kudla runs a TRUE 4.5, put him at tailback. Imagine trying to take down that freight train!
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With all the trouble he's had staying healthy, Mike is another of the guys that I am really rooting for to have a monster season. I would love it if he and D'Andrea could stay healthy all year, and really push their name into the minds of the NFL scouts. If nothing else, they'll both fly up the charts at the combine next winter.
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jwinslow said:
Kudla ran a 4.56 last year according to the OSU board, so a 4.5 is definitely possible. Here's the official board from the WHAC (sorry its blurry, ding SIMV :wink:)
man, i just cant help but chuckle when i see Groomy's name up there on the Big Speed chart... what does he weigh? 175?
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Yertle said:
Didn't he miss some games at the beginning of the year? For some reason, I think it was a bicep problem.
CrazyBuckFan40 said:
If I remember right it was his neck.
These bring back bad memories... but very related to this thread... Two years ago I was doing 400 on the bench... and got hurt.. they found out is was a pinched nerve in my neck... but the pain was in the shoulder and bicep... couldn't lift for 5 mths... when I play with 300 now, it feels like a ton... can't even imagine 610... that's BIG TIME strong
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