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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

daddyphatsacs said:
Good, but not amazing. In fact I just got back from my workout and I pushed up 595 4 times......... :wink2:


"Big Daddyphatsacs"
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How do you get someone to spot for you when you lift that much? Do you get a guy at each end of the bar and then maybe someone behind you in case your eyes are bigger than your arms?
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Something gleaned from Mike's dad on BN:
Two weeks ago Mike broke his own OSU bench press record (565 lbs.) with a new mark of (585 lbs.)

Yesterday Mike broke his own OSU 225 lbs bench record (46 reps) with a mark of (52 reps).

This year a offensive guard from BYU (Scott Young) tied the NFL combine 225 lbs. record with (43 reps).
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