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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

Jaxbuck;1197250; said:
I can understand that POV but I'd rather just dominate a weak B10 and take our chances OOC.

All the great recent "dynastys" had that model we are just the ones the media has decided to crucify for it.

90's-early 2000's Nebraska, FSU and Miami all played in weaker conferences than the B10 is right now.

USC's run has coincided with a pretty underwhelming Pac10 since 2002.

I still can't figure out why we have to make apologies but I don't really care. As long as we take care of business its better to have the easier road to a NC chance every year than the harder one.

Well there's that...

Add to it the opportunity to share a rival's loss to a FCS school over beers n' brats and it's a recipe for a damn enjoyable football season.
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DaddyBigBucks;1197252; said:
Add to it the opportunity to share a rival's loss to a FCS school over beers n' brats and it's a recipe for a damn enjoyable football season.

Truely one of the highpoints for me the past few years.

I'm thinking we do the same for Utah and see if we can make a tradition out of it. :biggrin:
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Pretty good rundown of the history of claims that Paterno's replacement will come from the current staff is found here:

Nitt Picks Thought We Covered*This - Black Shoe Diaries

and a lot is said here without actual saying anything:

Puppet Strings ? Run Up The Score

My take:

I still say Joe is doing his best to force the administration's hand and name someone on staff, but I think it's pretty clear (again, just my opinion), that no definitive plans have been made yet, otherwise we'd have a Jimbo Fishter type announcement here. The blogger in the latter article does seem to agree, while quoting another writer's opinion:

ESPN quickly picked up the story and placed on their news ticker at the bottom of your nearest TV screen. It was also mentioned on Fox Sports Radio during my morning commute today. Still, let's not get too excited - Paterno and his assistants have been telling recruits this exact thing for at least two years, probably longer. In other words, this really isn't news at all. What are the Penn State coaches supposed to tell recruits, that the entire coaching staff will be cleaned out and Greg Schiano will be Penn State's head coach by January?

Still, the inimitable Sunday Morning Quarterback took a very good swing at the issue:

This seems like the perfect scenario to pull a Purdue/Kentucky/Florida State and name the successor in advance, even if Paterno has no intentions of hanging it up in December - while Joe Tiller knows this is his last year, Rich Brooks and Bobby Bowden have no firm timeline for handing UK and FSU to Joker Phillips and Jimbo Fisher, respectively, just a promise that it won't be too far into the future - yet seems more likely to veer into the tight-lipped, "I don't know what you're talking about" territory Carr occupied last fall. We won't know until we know. But really, we know. (We think).

And the portion in bold is what really bothers me. I still contend that it isn't right to be telling 17 and 18 year old kids that are trying to make a decision that will affect the rest of their lives that a decision has been made when it hasn't. This blogger asks what the staff is supposed to do, and I would contend they're supposed to be honest. A comparison is made to the Lloyd Carr situation, but the difference there is that Carr was apparently telling kids he didn't know how much longer he'd be around, but that the kid should be committing to Michigan, not to him. Joe's obviously making a push for a member of the staff to replace him, and maybe that will ultimately happen. But it doesn't appear that it has happened yet, and there is a young, up-and-coming coach in New Jersey that not only seems to have interest in the position, but also seems to have the interest of PSU fans and boosters. At the end of the day, the AD at PSU is going to have something to do with making this decision--as will JoePa, I'm sure--and it may not match what Joe is telling these kids. I'd be frustrated if I was a PSU fan, but I don't really think you can justify telling the recruits the replacement will come from within if that hasn't been determined yet. If PSU is as strong a program as PSU fans want to believe it is, then there should be no problem selling these kids on the program as opposed to whoever will be leading it in 2, 3, or 4 years. Telling recruits anything else without a clear replacement in place is less than honest. Just my opinion.
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Snippet from the Patriot News on Paterno telling recruits his replacement will come from within

ESPN's "SportsCenter" and Comcast "SportsNet" have been trumpeting that Penn State recruits are being told by Joe Paterno that his successor will be someone on the PSU staff, suggesting that a succession plan is in place.

In reverse engineering this media flare, I found its genesis in an Altoona Mirror story from Sunday that quoted linebacker Mike Yancich of Washington, about his recent meeting with Joe:

"Mr. Paterno told me himself that his replacement is already within the staff, so he'll just bring one new guy in and bump everybody up in the ranks."

Paterno has never told recruits anything else. He told Terrelle Pryor that over the winter.

Paterno has told recruits that for the last decade. He seems confident of it playing out that way.

Except it's not his call. It's that of PSU president Graham Spanier. And Spanier is not committing necessarily to that direction. So, there is no story here.

I don't think Cory Giger of the Mirror, who wrote the brief piece, intended that it be treated as stop-the-presses news. He was just pointing out that recruits continue to be told something that may or may not be a fib.

Actually, I would say that if a replacement hasn't been selected from the staff already, it most certainly is a fib. If the reports are accurate--and they certainly appear to be--Joe isn't telling kids that if it is up to him his replacement will come from the staff, he's telling them his replacement will come from the staff. Most evidence tends to suggest that no such determination has been made.

Am I the only one that is bothered by this? I mean, maybe it will work out for these kids, but if I was a PSU recruit or the parent of a PSU recruit, and I or my kid decided to sign a LOI to PSU after being told by JoePa and/or his staff that his replacement was coming from that staff, I'd be pretty ticked if one or two years down the road the PSU AD and administration conducted an outside search and settled upon someone else who may or may not clean house. A lot of kids, delusional though it may seem, may actually want to play for someone who coached under the tutelage of the legendary JoePa. In this situation, recruits valuing this aspect of selecting a school would have gone to Rutgers if they wanted to play for Schiano, for example. Granted, in this day and age, it may not be wise to choose a program based solely on the coach there at the time, but nevertheless many kids do, and most fans (myself included) tend to be somewhat appalled when coaches renege on their contracts to go elsewhere, leaving dozens of committed young men behind in their wake. We feel this way for a reason: the kids signed up for four years of predictability and stability in the head coaching position, not the unknown.

I ask you this, if it were any number of other coaches--Les Miles, Nick Saban, Rodriguez, or even someone like Joe Tiller, Bobby Bowden, etc.--that was nearing retirement and telling recruits that their replacement was currently on staff even when no such decision had been made, wouldn't that coach be called deceptive and selfish for putting his and the program's best interests above those of the recruits themselves? I dunno, I just feel like Joe gets a pass with this stuff. And that's not to say I think he's acting maliciously here, b/c, again, he may well believe that ulitmately he'll be able to pressure the admin into placing a staff member into the head coaching position (then again, he also apparently thinks his son is capable of being a QB coach, so we can't assume he's still OK up top). But I do think he's being less than honest here.

By the way, re: the journalist above who notes that "it's not [JoePa's] call. It's that of PSU president Graham Spanier. And Spanier is not committing necessarily to that direction." The friendly blogger over at Run Up the Score suggests we all pay good attention to that line, because the journalist that wrote the piece "has some very good contacts within Old Main."

Seriously, Restart The Presses Already. ? Run Up The Score


EDIT: I love that my posts on this matter that cite Run Up The Score get listed in the comments section of the article I'm referencing on Run Up The Score. It's a circular process that leaves me almost feeling like a published author!
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I can't even imagine all the ways the PSU faithful will try and spin this but I know one thing as a stone cold certainty. If my kid were being recruited by PSU, this would be newsworthy to me.
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Dryden;1198449; said:
Which is more out of touch with reality: the Penn State coaching tree or the Penn State fan base?


I have to go with the coaches here. They are out of touch with reality at a basic, fundamental, age-associated level.

The fans are willfully out of touch. It is just a very strong version of willful ignorance. It lasts only as long as it is perceived to be of use. When reality changes to their liking, they will adjust accordingly.
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Scout.com: PA "skill" prospects
But, from the consensus "top 20 prospects" in Pennsylvania over the last three years (2/2009. 2/2008, 2/2007 signing dates), the following are the "skill position" (QB, TB, WR, CB) prospects:

QB - Savage / Pryor / Bostick

RB - Jordan Hall / McCoy / Saddler / Chris Burns

WR - Stokes / Thomas / Baldwin / Clark / AJ Alexander / Carraway / Clemons / Mo Williams / Moye

CB - Brown / Abdul Smith / Holley

19 in all, of which ONE signed with PSU, with one (Clark) still up for grabs.

All is well!
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Jaxbuck;1197250; said:
All the great recent "dynastys" had that model we are just the ones the media has decided to crucify for it.
Well, in terms of being crucified..

We were being pimped pretty hard before Flordia smacked us.. I think the diffrence in the FSUs, Nebraskas, and Miamis is that they won a national title.. we have yet to win one in the past 2 seasons. Our "dynasty" dosen't look to fade away anytime soon however.

It's frustarting to think we could have won 2 national titles, reloaded for a third. But oh well, such is college football.
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Bleed S & G;1201689; said:
Well, in terms of being crucified..

We were being pimped pretty hard before Flordia smacked us.. I think the diffrence in the FSUs, Nebraskas, and Miamis is that they won a national title.. we have yet to win one in the past 2 seasons. Our "dynasty" dosen't look to fade away anytime soon however.

It's frustarting to think we could have won 2 national titles, reloaded for a third. But oh well, such is college football.

1968-1970 and 1973-1975 come immediately to mind. Woulda coulda shoulda had a NC all 6 years, only came away with one and it was a wet behind the ears team that was supposed to be a year away.

Fast forward to 2006-2008. No way anyone can say should have for 2007, we just weren't that good, but other than that we have a bit of history repeating itself here. We need to come home with the hardware in '08.
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Ohio State's recent history (since 1970) is eerily similar to that of Nebraska....only our timing is different. Nebraska was on the verge of winning about 6 or 7 national titles since their last one in '71......until they broke through vs the Gators in '96. They won 2 in a row in what many consider the best 2 year run of domination since the '50s.
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