Watson, Crick & A Twist
Now this becomes worse for Penn State --
On the heels of the recent charges, there was this thread on FOS --
"Penn State Worst Program in Nation"
By which was meant, worst behavior.
From the thread - the all too typical FOS cycle of denial.
On the heels of the recent charges, there was this thread on FOS --
"Penn State Worst Program in Nation"
By which was meant, worst behavior.
From the thread - the all too typical FOS cycle of denial.
Followed by the inevitable attack on the messenger:PSU worst program in nation: telling article about PSU Pro Day![]()
Just read this article and the catching part is about 3/4 of the way down where Scouts from the recent Pro-day were telling folks that PSU is in the worst shape of any team they have visited.
Which inevitably ignores the core message of the article in question:Re: PSU worst program in nation: telling article about PSU Pro![]()
You posted an article from one of the biggest Joe haters in the world who quotes a waitress secondhand?!? BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you Bracken? You can tell me. I know you're not Jerry Keller.
If you watched the Oregon- Arizona game on ESPN Thursday night you couldn’t miss the news crawling across the bottom of the screen stating that Penn State defensive tackle Chris Baker and linebacker Navorro Bowman had been charged for their part in the HUB incident, followed by the news that recently-dismissed tailback Austin Scott had waived his arraignment on charges of rape and sexual assault.
That’s the image of Penn State football that’s out there now. And there’s this? When Penn State held its Pro Day earlier this fall, several NFL scouts had lunch at a local restaurant and asked their waitress what was going on with the Penn State football team, telling her that the behavior here was the worst of any program they’d visited.
That’s what’s out there now. And it’s not the work of an anti- Penn State media corps. These incidents happened. They weren’t invented by some talking head or ink-stained wretch in search of an exclusive, sensational story to sell to the National Enquirer.
The question is how to rein it in. And the answer is as elusive within the team framework as it is in society. That’s why there are prisons and rich lawyers.
Joe Paterno is tasked with coming up with some sort of action to address the situation. After all, he gets the credit for the Grand Experiment that once produced doctors and lawyers and major players on Wall Street. Now it falls to him to try, in the winter of his life, to correct the course of this program.
It has become a daunting task, one that has to sap a disproportionate amount of energy from a well that’s not as deep as it once was.
And you have to wonder how much longer he can fight it. Oops, bad choice of words.