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DE Vernon Gholston (Official Thread)

jwinslow;1102871; said:
You're disputing that Gholston can struggle against the run? That's a definite edge in Long's favor.

I'm actually on the fence on this one... I think makes less plays against the run, but I'd venture to say he does a good job of occupying blockers to open up lanes for LB's most of the time, and he does play very fundamentally sound contain.
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SNIPER26;1102870; said:
That tackles being split between 3 doesn't really make sense. 3-4 DL are usually supposed to be space-eaters and tie up blockers for the LBs to come up and make the tackles. Basically, being a 4-3 DE is more conducive to statistics, whereas 3-4 ends are usually doing the dirty work and the LBs racking up the tackles.

Well, then why did Ohio State have two LBs--Laurinaitis (121) and Freeman (109)--that had as many or more tackles than Virginia's lead tackler at LB, Jon Cooper (109)?
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jwinslow;1102871; said:
You're disputing that Gholston can struggle against the run? That's a definite edge in Long's favor.

Gholston may "struggle" against the inside run more than Long, but Gholston is clearly the superior pass rusher and can defend the outside run as good as, if not better than, Long.
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[quote='BusNative;110288;6]Because they're better at football. Apples and oranges on this one.[/quote]

Actually, it supports my point. Long got to make more tackles because he didn't have quality teammates taking them away like Gholston had. I wonder how many of Long's tackles were downfield...I know Vern didn't have many downfield tackles because our back seven cleaned up quickly.
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MililaniBuckeye;1102892; said:
Actually, it supports my point. Long got to make more tackles because he didn't have quality teammates taking them away like Gholston had. I wonder how many of Long's tackles were downfield...I know Vern didn't have many downfield tackles because our back seven cleaned up quickly.

I definitely don't disagree here. And with the way tOSU defended the run this year, it's hard to argue any other points.

3.........Ohio St.....13..........426.........1077....2.53.....3........82.8​
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I watch a lot of college football, primarily Ohio State and UVA. Vern has been my favorite Ohio State player for the past couple seasons, and he has been a monster. Vern may have a higher ceiling than Long, and is more of a physical specimen.

But Chris Long is a better player. He single-handedly changed more games for the better than any other player in the country, on offense or defense, than anyone else I saw. UVA is not a roster full of future NFL players, unlike Ohio State. Offenses knew about Long and could try to scheme around him, and it didn't particularly work. Teams could try to scheme around Vern, but we all know the caliber of players Vern had around him, and how foolish it would have been for offenses to focus on just him.

If you're looking at pure statistics and numbers when assigning draft grades, then you are essentially a computer. Teams would make a lot of poor draft choices if they didn't watch game film and include a subjective, human input. In this instance, I don't know that it matters much, because both of these guys are studs, and both have high ceilings. However, I do think Long is the better player right now.
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It doesn't look as if the Cincinnati Bengals will get a chance to draft Ohio State defensive end Vernon Gholston. TFYDraft.com said his performance at the NFL scouting combine "could be one for the ages."
The Bengals have the ninth pick, and Gholston seemed like a likely fit. There's a chance they could switch to a 3-4 alignment, and he has the skills to be an outside linebacker.
But Gholston left the combine being touted as a top-six pick.

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Big Vern ESPN chat going on....

Chat with former OSU DE Vernon Gholston

OSU's Vernon Gholston turned in the best performance at the combine.Welcome to The Show! On Tuesday, NFL prospect and former Ohio State DE Vernon Gholston will stop by to chat about the NFL draft, his combine performance and his time as a Buckeye.
Gholston ran a 4.61 in the 40, the third best among the defensive linemen. He put up 37 reps in the bench press, which tied him for the most of anyone at the combine. He also posted the best measurements among the DLs in the vertical jump (35.5 inches) and the broad jump (10.5 feet).

According to Choice's Scouts Inc.'s draft profile, Gholston "has the potential to play wide-end in a four-man front and/or rush-linebacker in a 3-4 alignment. He is one of the top pass rushers in this year's class, so he should come off the board in the top-20 picks. But his inconsistency and lack of elite burst scares us for that kind of price tag."

Buzzmaster: (3:00 PM ET ) We've got Vernon!

Brian, North Reading Mass: Hey Vernon, was your performance at the combine what you expected?

Vernon Gholston: (3:01 PM ET ) Definitely not. I expected to be one of the top guys, if not the top guy in most of all the categories. At the end of the day, I was expecting a low 4.5s in the 40 and jump high. Just show what I'm capable of.

Joe (Staunton, Va): What's your favorite memory of your Michigan vs. Ohio State games?

Vernon Gholston: (3:02 PM ET ) My favorite memory would be winning them. I went 4-0 against Michigan, me being from Michigan, that's a big thing going home. Being at OSU, we pride ourselves on beating them. It's great.

Andrew (Medford, NJ): What do you feel is the most improtant thing you will take away from your experience playing at THE ohio state university?

Vernon Gholston: (3:03 PM ET ) The most important, I would have to say, the experiences that you share with the people that you're with. I met a lot of great people that I hope will be with me the rest of my life. I met some of my closest friends here.

ESPN: Chat with former OSU DE Vernon Gholston - SportsNation
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Joe (Staunton, Va): What's your favorite memory of your Michigan vs. Ohio State games?

Vernon Gholston: (3:02 PM ET ) My favorite memory would be winning them. I went 4-0 against Michigan, me being from Michigan, that's a big thing going home. Being at OSU, we pride ourselves on beating them. It's great.
I love this.
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Andrew, SFO: Hey Vernon, What NFL players did you admire when you were growing up?

Vernon Gholston: It's tough for me, because I didn't get into football until my sophomore year of high school. But when I got into football, I liked the St. Louis Rams and their high powered offense. Marshall Faulk was a guy I liked.

A well-placed name drop, hopefully he already has their attention for that #2 spot.
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FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - First-round mock draft: Gholston moving up

My current mock draft also features 16 offensive players versus 15 defensive players being taking in Round 1. I project the most popular position in the first round to be defensive end.

Pick Team.....Player...........Pos. Height Weight School Class
1. Dolphins Chris Long DE .. 6-3 .. 272......Virginia Senior The Dolphins acquired two defensive tackles this offseason ? Randy Starks and Jason Ferguson ? to add stability up front. But with the talk of Miami and DE Jason Taylor going their separate ways, the addition of a young DE makes sense. If Miami doesn't trade out of the top spot, look for them to select Chris Long as their defensive playmaker.
Previous mock draft selection: Same
VIDEO: Draft Preview of Chris Long
2. Rams Vernon Gholston DE 6-3 266 .. Ohio State Junior The Rams have had a quiet offseason so far and haven't made much noise. The only interesting development was the release of last year's free agent pickup DE James Hall. St. Louis has to upgrade their O-Line and the signing of Jacob Bell and the return of Orlando Pace will help. With Jake Long available he will be enticing, but Vernon Gholston gives the Rams the explosive defender they need to apply pressure on the QB.
Previous mock draft selection: Jake Long
VIDEO: Draft preview of Vernon Gholston
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