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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

Ohio State?s Jenkins Visits Broncos
Posted by Aaron Wilson on March 31, 2009

Ohio State cornerback Malcolm Jenkins visited the Denver Broncos on Monday, according to Albert Breer of SportingNews.com.

An All-American selection, Jenkins is scheduled to visit the New Orleans Saints next week.

Per Breer, Jenkins is tentatively scheduled for visits with the New England Patriots and the Tennessee Titans.

Jenkins won the Jim Thorpe Award last year as the top collegiate defensive back.

However, there have been persistent questions about Jenkins? speed and whether he should play safety in the NFL.

He ran a 4.51 in the 40-yard dash at the NFL Scouting Combine.

ProFootballTalk.com - Ohio State’s Jenkins Visits Broncos
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OregonBuckeye;1445014; said:
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Mike Mayock ranks Vontae Davis #1 and MJ #2. :roll1: This guy always boasts about how much tape he watches. If he did, he'd see there's no comparison. Malcolm is the better football player.

I have a tough time believing the tape for Vontae is better. Vontae is a great talent, no doubt, but there is no way his tape is better. I've seen a lot of both players, and I definitely like Malcolm much more. He didn't get benched, either.

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The Way We Hear it ? draft edition
40-times not expected to faze CBs Jenkins, Byrd
By Nolan Nawrocki
April 7, 2009

Four cornerbacks and two safeties have been drafted in the first round on average during the course of the past five years, accounting for six total defensive backs. This year, the draft could be as weak at the DB position as it has been since 2000, when only three were drafted in the first round ? Deltha O?Neal (14), Rashard Anderson (23) and Ahmed Plummer (24) ? and safeties did not come off the board until early in the second round.

The way we hear it, Ohio State?s Malcolm Jenkins, Connecticut?s Darius Butler and Illinois? Vontae Davis will all fit into the first round, with Jenkins widely expected to be the first drafted. There is a difference of opinion around the league regarding who the top cornerback is in this year?s class, but only because there is a split regarding whether Jenkins is classified as a safety or a cornerback, similar to when Antrel Rolle, Michael Huff and Donte Whitner were exiting college and were viewed as capable of playing either position.

Of 10 teams PFW polled in confidence, seven ? including three drafting in the top 10 ? had Jenkins stacked as a cornerback, against three who currently regarded him as a safety. With final draft discussions still to take place, however, one team that currently had him stacked at the safety position, and that is also in need of a versatile defensive back, did not want to be limited to one position.

?We have him listed as a safety,? said one veteran scouting boss drafting in the top half of the first round, ?but I can?t say that?s where he?ll be in two weeks. We still have to discuss it more. He is in consideration. We could use him at either position. For all the man and man-off coverage that we play, I?m not sure he is best at cornerback, for us. But he could certainly start there and switch over. His versatility is a plus. ? And when you look at the history of the program, it makes you feel better. I?m not sure any program has done a better job graduating NFL corners than that one (Ohio State).?

Another veteran evaluator for a team in need of a cornerback said, ?You have to start him at cornerback and make him prove he can?t do it. I think he could (play cornerback) and play it at a high level. He?s very quick. He?s got long arms. He's strong at the line. He had an exceptional (pro-day) workout. He could do everything we ask (our corners) to. I wish he were going to be there for us, but we?d have to make a move to get him. He won?t last long. ? People forget, if you look at the Pro Bowl cornerbacks in this league, the average 40-time a year ago was 4.55.?

Some teams view Jenkins? versatility as a plus, seeing his physical style and ability to line up at safety as protection against ever busting, similar to Rolle, who played a key role at free safety for the Cardinals last season. Jenkins' greatest detractors, however, view him as a scheme-dependent tweener short on elite speed and the pure cover ability shown more by the other top cornerbacks in the class.

NFL Draft - NFL draft preview and analysis from Pro Football Weekly
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Jenkins is Jersey-bound
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Posted By Albert Breer

Ohio State CB Malcolm Jenkins will head to New Jersey tonight for a visit with the New York Jets.

The New Brunswick, N.J. native just wrapped up a visit with the Saints, and went to Denver last week. Jenkins is slated to go to New England on Monday and Tennessee on Tuesday, before working out with the Browns next Friday in Columbus, Ohio.

Jenkins has said previously that he felt the Ravens-style of defense fit his skills well, making the visit to the Jets -- now led by ex-Baltimore coordinator Rex Ryan -- an intriguing one.

SportingNews.com - ProFootballTalk
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osucollegebuck;1446568; said:
Its almost a given that he's going to play safety now. When the pads go on and teams see what they drafted in Jenkins I don't see any chance of him playing safety.

Well, if 3 out of 10 equates to "almost a given", then yeah. :wink2:

From the recent "The way we hear it" article:

Of 10 teams PFW polled in confidence, seven - including three drafting in the top 10 - had Jenkins stacked as a cornerback, against three who currently regarded him as a safety.
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I don't pretend to know much about the NFL, but I still think this guy is top 10 worthy. A big, physical corner with credentials through the roof is being held back by a combine 40 time? That seems a little odd to me. I still think he may end up at 5 and won't get past the Saints at like 14. JMHO
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Draft Diary: Jenkins would be excited to play for Rex's Jets
Posted: April 9, 2009
Malcolm Jenkins
For Sporting News

This story first appeared in the Thursday, April 9, edition of Sporting News Today. If you are not receiving Sporting News Today, the only daily digital sports newspaper, sign up today for free.

I got back Tuesday from New Orleans.

The visit with the Saints went well. I was there with a bunch of other guys -- my teammate James Laurinaitis and Alphonso Smith, from Wake Forest, were there.

It was a little different from Denver last week. We got there, and they showed me around, and we met with coaches for about an hour. Then, they took us out to eat with a couple players from the Saints to watch the national championship game.

It was similar to the Broncos in that we just met with a few people, and it was a laid-back environment. The one meeting I had was with the DBs coaches, Dennis Allen and Tony Oden.

I had dinner with Oden in Columbus last month, as well the D-coordinator, Gregg Williams, so I've gotten to know him pretty well.

SportingNews.com - Your expert source for NFL Football stats, scores, standings, blogs and fantasy news from NFL Football columnists
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Ohio State football: Jenkins to work out for Browns next Friday
by Doug Lesmerises
Friday April 10, 2009

Malcolm Jenkins has been meeting with several NFL teams.Malcolm Jenkins' workout with the Browns will be next Friday, the former Ohio State cornerback said at the Buckeyes' special teams scrimmage today.
The Browns have the No. 5 pick in the April 25 draft. Jenkins said he has already visited the New York Jets (pick No. 17), New Orleans (No. 14) and Denver (No. 12 and No. 18), and he said he'll be at New England (No. 23) on Monday and Tennessee (No. 30) on Tuesday.

Jenkins said different teams tell him different things about whether he projects as a cornerback or a safety in the pros. Though he was a corner first at Ohio State, he also played safety in the Buckeyes' nickel defense his junior year.

Jenkins was on the sidelines in a camouflage jacket, loudly rooting on and joking with his teammates during the scrimmage at Ohio Stadium.

Ohio State football: Jenkins to work out for Browns next Friday - Ohio State Buckeyes Football & Basketball Blog (OSU) - cleveland.com
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Saw Malcom's picture on the front page of the USA Today his morning... here is the article:

At corner or safety, Jenkins ready to tackle NFL challenges - USATODAY.com

At corner or safety, Jenkins ready to tackle NFL challenges

Updated 1h 49m ago

By Matthew Emmons, US Presswire

By Sean Leahy, USA TODAY
USA TODAY analyzes the defensive backs available in the April 25-26 NFL draft. Also in this article: Cream of the crop among defensive backs and teams in need.

Malcolm Jenkins is prepared to play safety. But he wants to play cornerback.

"I think I really, really can excel there," says Jenkins, who primarily played cornerback at Ohio State. The 6-0, 204-pound defender has the cover skills to play corner, analysts say, but lacks the elite speed teams prefer in cornerbacks.

Jenkins is regarded as the best defensive back available in the NFL draft April 25-26. He intercepted 11 passes, with two returned for touchdowns, with the Buckeyes in the last three years.

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