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DB Malcolm Jenkins (All B1G, All-American, Thorpe Award, All-Pro, 2x Super Bowl Champion)

The Way We Hear It ? draft edition

Jenkins, Brown stand out for top-notch character

By Nolan Nawrocki
April 13, 2009

1) CB-FS Malcolm Jenkins, Ohio State
At a position known for producing many prima donnas craving attention, Jenkins stands out for his maturity and humble attitude. Evaluators call him one of the cleanest elite cornerbacks to come out of the draft in the last decade and praise his smarts, intangibles and emotional leadership ability. They point to Jenkins having rallied the Buckeyes when they would fall behind and having provided the spark needed in the huddle, which his why some teams believe his makeup is most ideally suited for the safety position. He straddles the line of appearing arrogant on the field, but evaluators say he is far from it and have been impressed with his confidence, overall character and the way he has carried himself in team interviews. He was described as the type of person who will contend for the NFL?s Walter Payton Man of the Year award and PFW?s Arthur Arkush Humanitarian Award in due time.

NFL Draft - NFL draft preview and analysis from Pro Football Weekly
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Well deserved mention, as MJ is definitely a stand-up. Even the comment about him bordering on arrogance on the field is off, IMO. I don't think he's arrogant, I just think he gets into it. He flat out loves the sport and the Buckeyes. It's not arrogance, just passion, and Jenkins is full of it. One of my favorite buckeyes ever, a true class act.
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Individuals with "top-notch character" in the draft. MJ at #1, JL at #4, Robo as "also mention." Well deserved for all these guys. I know this is not a recruiting thread, but Moms and Dads pay attention: send JT your boy and he will send you back a man.
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Mel has MJ going lower than just about anyone doing a mock right now. I personally think he is off on this one and MJ will still be the first CB taken in the top 15 picks.


Malcolm Jenkins, CB, Ohio St.: "I like him as a football player; I just wish he was a little faster," Kiper said. Jenkins could be a good corner, but some people say he could be moved inside to safety because of his speed issues. Kiper said that's a no-no: "You don't want to draft a kid in the first round with hopes he moves inside to safety." Jenkins might go to Miami or Tennessee late in the first round as the third cornerback taken. He once was considered the top corner in the draft.

NFL Draft - Tuesday with Mel Kiper Jr. - ESPN
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Looking for safe draft picks? Check out these future stars
April 17, 2009
By Rob Rang

Malcolm Jenkins, CB, Ohio State: So let me get this straight. Jenkins returns for his senior year after the NFL Advisory Committee tells him he'd be an easy first-round choice and quite possibly the first cornerback selected last year. He wins the Thorpe Award as the nation's top defensive back. And then, because he is timed at 4.51 seconds in the 40-yard dash at the scouting combine, now he can't stay at corner in the NFL? Every year there are players who take a tumble down draft boards due to how fast they run or high they jump in shorts and a T-shirt. On the field, however, Jenkins is able to get by with his less than jaw-dropping speed because he plays a physical, instinctive brand of football. Scouts put extra emphasis on how the top prospects perform in the big games, and a scout who attended the Ohio State-Southern California clash last September characterized Jenkins to me as "the best player on the field." Considering the talent on those two rosters, that's saying something.

Looking for safe draft picks? Check out these future stars - NFL - CBSSports.com Football
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billmac91;1452290; said:
.....still can't figure out why none of these articles where they have Jenkins falling, don't bring up the fact that he had the FASTEST 20 yard shuttle time of anyone at the combine.

I guess it's easier to NOT mention that.

Looks like he had the fastest 3-cone drill (assuming one safety's 4.39 is in the wrong category), and that Jenkins tied for the 7th fastest 20-yard shuttle time.


And you're right, those are two excellent showings, and the talking heads usually only talk about the 40.
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