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DB Donald Washington III (Official Thread)

Was Washington a disappointment here? Aside from his brief suspension, I thought he was a very good CB and didn't realize people thought he was a disappointment.

Maybe I'm just crazy.. I'm running on little sleep..
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3074326;1455202; said:
Was Washington a disappointment here? Aside from his brief suspension, I thought he was a very good CB and didn't realize people thought he was a disappointment.

Maybe I'm just crazy.. I'm running on little sleep..

agreed. was not highly recruited coming out of HS either. I think his performance was a pleasant surprise.
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OregonBuckeye;1455671; said:
This is a joke, right? So, a 4.54 by MJ is "glacier-slow" but a 4.5 is at least respectable? Not to mention Jenkins is slightly bigger.

yeah, apparently .05 seconds is a long time in the nfl...

30...8675309.. if anyone is dissapointed in dwashington for anything other than him not sticking around for his senior season so he could be a first round pick (and so we could enjoy watching him play in scarlet and gray for another year). someones crazy and it isn't you. he reminded me a lot of ahmed plummer. unfortunately he will always be overlooked by some because he was on the team at the same time as mj and checkwa.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1457047; said:
Congratulations to Washington..........good situation for him.........he will get a good opportunity to play right away........

Maybe. Brandon Carr and Brandon Flowers were rookies who started 27 of 32 games last season. It is possible that Washington will get a chance right away if the scheme shifts, but if not Washington will most likely being competing to be the nickelback.
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Apr 26, 2009


Q: What was your reaction when you found out you were coming to Kansas City?

DONALD WASHINGTON: ?I can?t really explain it because this is a dream come true. This is something I have been looking for my whole life. I don?t know what to say. I am so excited. This is crazy that I have a chance to play in the NFL.?

Q: Do you know much about the Kansas City Chiefs?

WASHINGTON: ?No, but I am happy that they gave me a chance. I just want to do whatever I can to bring some things back to the city.?

Q: What did Coach Haley say to you when he called you?

WASHINGTON: ?He is glad that I was around and he is glad that I am under his staff.?

Q: Do you think you can play right away?

WASHINGTON: ?I am going to come in and do everything I can to make that happen. It depends on how things go. I am going to come in here and give it everything I have. I want the world will see what Donald Washington is about.?

Q: Did you follow the Chiefs very much?

WASHINGTON: ?Back in the day when guys like RB Marcus Allen and TE Tony Gonzalez. Being a fan of the NFL you get to see a lot of teams and great players. I am not going to sit here and say that I was a huge Kansas City fan growing up, but now I am the biggest Kansas City fan and my family is, too. It is the best feeling in the world. The team that picks you is the team that wants you so I know I will have a warm welcome in Kansas City so I couldn?t be happier.?

Q: You said you wanted to show the world what you are about, what are you about?

WASHINGTON: ?I am about hard work and I am about winning. Coming from a program like Ohio State, we had a lot of success and we know how to handle it. At the same time I know how to handle adversity. I am a good guy in the community and I am about what is right.?

Kansas City Chiefs - Q&A with CB DONALD WASHINGTON - 4/26
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Chiefs have faith in former Ohio State cornerback Washington
The Kansas City Star


Chiefs coach Todd Haley called Ohio State?s Donald Washington (right) a very good athlete and said he was a little bit under the radar.

NEW YORK | The Chiefs? run on defenders continued into Sunday afternoon, but Kansas City snapped its streak of drafting players with spotless reputations.

Ohio State cornerback Donald Washington was the Chiefs? fourth-round pick, and he admitted Sunday that his previous 18 months haven?t passed without a few imperfections following him.

?I know how to handle adversity,? he said after the Chiefs chose him with the No. 102 overall selection in the NFL draft.

Washington initially was suspended before the 2008 BCS championship game before being reinstated and has denied that he ever was in trouble. He missed part of the Buckeyes? spring program last year because of a team rules violation and was suspended for Ohio State?s first two games.

Washington hasn?t denied his mistakes, saying before the draft that he preferred to fess up to his slip-ups and learn from them.

?I?ll be honest and admit I made a mistake,? Washington said before the draft, according to several media outlets. ?That?s the only way you can handle it. The best thing to do is just be honest.?

Lance Scheib was Washington?s football coach at Franklin Central High in Indianapolis. Scheib said he?s uncertain of the specific rule that Washington broke at Ohio State, saying he never asked his former player for specifics. But Scheib said Sunday that Washington ?was being a kid.?

?They held him accountable,? Scheib said, ?and he understood that. ? I would never expect him to break any rule because he never did. He?s been a leader on and off the field. He just made a mistake.?

Washington spent most of his junior season in Columbus as a backup, but he impressed scouts by acing the agility and jumping drills at February?s NFL scouting combine. More important, Chiefs coach Todd Haley said Sunday, Washington passed the character test.

?We really feel like we did our homework on Donald,? Haley said. ?We have very good relationships with the Ohio State staff from the head coach on down to the position coaches and coordinators. We did a lot of work with them.?

Haley said the Chiefs played host to Washington in Kansas City for a day and a half, saying the team?s decision-makers ?spent a lot of time with him.?

?We feel good about where we?re at with Donald,? Haley said.

Chiefs have faith in former Ohio State cornerback Washington - Kansas City Star
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KANSAS CITY, MO - MAY 9: Fourth round draft choice Donald Washington #20 of the Kansas City Chiefs goes through a drill during a rookie minicamp at the Chiefs practice facility on May 9, 2009 in Kansas City, Missouri. (Photo by G. Newman Lowrance/Getty Images)

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OregonBuckeye;1464210; said:
KANSAS CITY, MO - MAY 9: Fourth round draft choice Donald Washington #20 of the Kansas City Chiefs goes through a drill during a rookie minicamp at the Chiefs practice facility on May 9, 2009 in Kansas City, Missouri. (Photo by G. Newman Lowrance/Getty Images)


:groove3::groove2::banger: Hell yeah! I just realized he was a Kansas City Chief! I was hoping they would just dump LJ and draft Beanie at the #5 spot regardless of their needs elsewhere or just pick Jenkins there. Obviously that didn't happen, but I'm still happy we got a damn good former Buckeye in DWash!
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CentralMOBuck;1464223; said:
:groove3::groove2::banger: Hell yeah! I just realized he was a Kansas City Chief! I was hoping they would just dump LJ and draft Beanie at the #5 spot regardless of their needs elsewhere or just pick Jenkins there. Obviously that didn't happen, but I'm still happy we got a damn good former Buckeye in DWash!

How could you not realize? Alls I do with my NFL team is root that they pick Buckeyes regardless of need LMAO. But I'm more of a college football guy than an NFL one.
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