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DB Christian Bryant (Official Thread)

College Football Recruiting On the Trail 2010 - ESPN
Glenville safety Christian Bryant names new top five

Three-star Christian Bryant (Cleveland, Ohio/Glenville) updated his top five and named a sleeper for ESPN affiliate Web site Bucknuts.com.

"I have a top five now. It's Ohio State, Michigan State, Tennessee, North Carolina and Illinois. But Virginia might make it up into my top five sometime in the next month or so when coaches can start recruiting again. I like the Virginia coaches. I get a good vibe from them."

Bryant said he does not have a leader adding, "I'll go through the recruiting process with those schools I named and see how it goes. I'll probably wait until November and December to take (official visits)."
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Scout $ - Glenville's Bryant Still Interested In MSU


From GoSpartans.Net...again names a top 5 of [Wade: notice who is first] Ohio State, Michigan State, Tennessee, North Carolina and Illinois and says UVA could still creep in there...talks about going against top tier talent at the Gridiron Kings event...talks about what he is looking for in a college.
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Christian Bryant has a new source of information about Tennessee football.

Bryant, a 5-foot-10, 175-pound cornerback, is a former teammate of UT freshman cornerback Mike Edwards at Glenville High School in Cleveland, Ohio.

Bryant said he?s received positive reviews about UT since Edwards began practicing with the Vols on Aug. 3.

?He said the coaches want everybody to just feel wanted,? Bryant said. ?I just thought, ?Man, wow, that?s great.? Just that the coaches are treating you like professional athletes so you can get ready for the (NFL).?

The NFL experience of UT?s coaching staff is standing out to Bryant.

He said that gives him confidence that UT?s staff would help him reach his full potential.

?They know what it takes to go to the next level, which would be the NFL,? Bryant said. ?Their experience is good and that?s what I?m really looking at because I know they have produced some NFL players.?

Bryant is still waiting to see how UT produces on the field this fall.

Bryant said he plans to call Edwards regularly during the season to see what it?s like playing for the Vols.

?I know I can trust Mike,? Bryant said. ?Him being a Glenville player I?m real close to, I?m going to take what he says into consideration.?

Bryant said he?s also considering Ohio State, Michigan State, Illinois, North Carolina and Virginia.

Ohio State is a strong draw because of the Buckeyes? in-state popularity.

That?s why Bryant was proud to receive an offer from Ohio State during the spring.

?That?s good just because I?m from Ohio and I?ve been looking at Ohio State since I was in high school,? he said.

CB Bryant getting the word from UT freshman Edwards ? GoVolsXtra
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Contender profile: Glenville's Christian Bryant
by Bob Fortuna, The Plain Dealer
Wednesday August 26, 2009


Allison Carey / The Plain Dealer
BryantChristian Bryant




5-11, 175 pounds

College status: Uncommitted.

Plain Dealer preseason player ranking: 5


Tallied 41 tackles, three interceptions, two sacks, one fumble recovery and three touchdowns. Also rushed for 170 yards, had 116 receiving yards and three offensive TDs.

All-Senate Athletic League first-teamer and Division I all-district second-teamer on defense.

Ranked as 11th-best senior by Ohio High Magazine, 15th-best cornerback nationally by Rivals.com and 13th-best cornerback nationally by Scout.com.

Off the football field: Likes to hang out with his brother, 10-year-old Coby Bryant. Admires his dad, Ronnie. Likes to read and enjoyed "Problem Solved" by Stephanie Perry Moore.

Contender profile: Glenville's Christian Bryant High School Gridiron Hero - The Plain Dealer's search for the area's best football player
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DontHateOState;1527388; said:
FWIW, Bryant only suffered a severe bruise on his shoulder in the Ignatius' game. He will be fine for the rest of the season, although he may sit out the next game against Reynoldsburg. It is thankfully nothing serious.

Shouldn't matter too much against the 'Burg...
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